元宵賜福圓滿Yuanxiao Festival – Bestowal of Blessings
隔天傍晚的時候,她又再打來,吾才有空聼。原來是要告訴吾她中了萬字票二獎,而中獎號碼恰恰就是吾手機號碼的後面四個號碼。這位粉絲之前有出席吾元宵節的 茶會,而吾曾說過吾將賜財、賜福、賜吉祥給她他們,果真好些人都中獎,不只這位粉絲。但這位粉絲福力比較大,中了兩次獎。
這也應證吾所言不虛,吾說會賜財、賜福給妳你們,就一定會賜財、賜福給妳你們。但是妳你們所中的獎金,千萬不可隨意就分給家人眷屬,因爲這當中涵蓋了個人 的福份次第和因果。第一個步驟要做的其實是趕快挪出15-20%,或至少10%,去做一些慈善的事業,利己利他,冥陽兩利,也是循環因果。這才是上上之 策。若是分給了他人,他人如果功德不夠、品德修養不夠好,也會有災難發生在他們的身上,中獎錢反而變成災難錢。這樣的話,那妳你就會適得其反。
Last Monday upon my return from overseas, as usual, there were many messages left in my phone as soon as I turned it on. There was this particular number that kept calling but I just could not make time to answer. Later, this caller sent me a text message saying, “Master Dai Hu, I called to share a piece of good news with you. I am really grateful to you, Master.”
She called again the next evening and this time round, I was able to answer her call. It turned out that she had struck the 2nd prize in the 4D lottery, and the winning number was the last 4 digits of my mobile number. This reader of mine had attended the tea session on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, the event I said I would bestow blessings of wealth and prosperity to all participants. Indeed, beside this lady, quite a few attendees struck the lottery with the same winning number. But this lady had greater merits and struck the lottery twice.
This is a testament to my words that day to grant blessings to those attendees, and indeed it came true . To those of you who struck the lottery, please do not just randomly distribute to your family members in the false view that they deserve it. This is because the level of merits and karmic relationships are different for each individual. In fact, the first thing you should do is to set aside 15 – 20%, or at least 10% of the prize money, to perform virtuous deeds to benefit others as well. This will also create a positive cycle or momentum of giving and receiving blessings from the Universe. This is the most strategic way of ensuring luck continuity. Should you just give it to others, and they do not have the deserving merits nor the right moral conduct, disaster will fall upon them, and this “lucky” windfall may very well turn against you.