玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


關於玳瑚師父 About Master Dai Hu

About Master Dai Hu



家父過世後,毅然辭掉全職工作,吾並沒有就此享受人生反而比以前更精進 ,拜師學藝,深入研讀醫學、玄學、佛法及家父所留下的「秘籍」。因為吾的內心深處仍然有幾個字亮光著,那就是以佛法與玄學,同步利益眾生。就因這誓願,人們在睡,吾則在用功。人們在玩樂,吾也在用功。吾不是不懂得善待自己,而是希望做個有信用的人。


Annual Feng Shui 流年風水Singapore Feng Shui Master Dai Hu

已有20年經驗的玳瑚師父是一位修行人兼玄學家。吾精通姓名學、面相學、八字命理、陰陽宅風水、擇日,也為人開光安神,謝土等。吾有15位弟子。客戶群來自各行各業,甚至不分國界和種族。玳瑚師父閱人無數,看人之神准及快速,是吾師也稱讚的,因此哪怕只是一張照片,也沒有一個人能逃得過吾的眼睛。因爲有超人的敏銳力及洞察力,玳瑚師父相人相宅相地的功夫有靈有驗,所以20年來有口皆碑 。吾看過的風水包括組屋、公寓、有地住宅、店面、大小機構的辦公室、地皮和陰宅等。吾堅持好的風水不需擺放昂貴的吉祥物,因此從不售賣任何物品。




願玳瑚師父的慧光能照破妳你的無明,願吾的明燈指引您一條順路,邁向永恆快樂、光明的未來境界。 阿彌陀佛。


It is rare to learn Feng Shui in a lifetime, and even rarer to learn the Dharma.

When I was a little boy, I witnessed my father dispensing medical advice and healing many people of various illnesses, in his spare time despite holding a day job. In addition, he also employed Chinese Metaphysics to relieve the woes of many people. He often worked late into the night. Many people sang praises of him for his great skills. At that time, I thought to myself that, one day, I am going to be like him, with extraordinary abilities, and be someone who make positive contributions to the society.

During my school days, I already started practicing the Chinese Metaphysics art of Name Analysis on my classmates. The first time one of my classmates approached me to change his Chinese name, I was still quite unskilled. My father stepped in to assist me, and I shared half the fees with him. Ha ha! Alas, I felt terribly ashamed that as an unwise youth, I failed to treasure the time to learn more from my father.

When my father passed away, I resigned from my job, not to enjoy life, but with a firm resolute to be even more diligent in learning. I went to learn from a master and dived deep into the fields of medicine, Chinese Metaphysics , the Dharma, and the ‘secret scrolls’ left behind by my father. The vow to benefit sentient beings with the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics, deeply entrenched in my heart, is what kept me going. While others are asleep, I am working hard. While others are at play, I am still working hard. It is not that I mistreated myself, but I aspire to be a person true to his words and vows.

As the Chinese saying goes “Reading ten thousand books is not as good as travelling ten thousand miles”. In order to actualize my years of studies, I spent 3 years going door-to-door approaching households and benefited countless people with the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics, at no cost. Nearly a thousand days of bringing good to sentient beings,were not without their fair share of hardship and rejections, but valuable real-life experience was gained, strengthening my skills and confidence greatly.

Money attraction 催財

Master Dai Hu comes with over 20 years of experience, as a Buddhist practitioner well versed in the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics. He specializes in Chinese name analysis, facial reading, bazi (birth chart) analysis, Yang House Feng Shui, Yin House Feng Shui, auspicious date selection as well as consecration and Earth God thanking ritual. He has 15 disciples and his clientele comes from various industries, and across all nations and races. Master Dai Hu has an extraordinary acumen in reading people in the fastest of speed, which is also praised by his very own Grandmaster. Even if it is just a photograph, nobody can escape his eyes. Due to his acute sense of sharpness and awareness, his skills in reading people, houses, buildings and landforms always deliver stunning results, earning him plenty of accolades from his clients the past 20 years. His experience in Feng Shui audits covers HDB residences, condominium apartments, landed properties, retail outlets, commercial offices, bare lands, burial sites and columbariums. Master Dai Hu firmly believes that empowering individuals with good Feng Shui do not involve placement of highly priced auspicious ornaments. Therefore, he never sells any of those.

Master Dai Hu teaches the Dharma as well, inspiring the wisdom in others and guiding them onto the path of kindness and betterment. He deeply believes that even the worst drawn of cards can be remedied with pure determination, diligence as well as the guidance of an accomplished master. The Dharma can not only change your life, you can even surpass your destiny! Master Dai Hu has successfully done that with his own destiny, and naturally has the ability to help you make the big leap.

ControlofYourDestiny small

Master Dai Hu leads a somewhat reclusive lifestyle, aloof of the affairs of the world. He displays a personality that is nature-loving and possesses a devoted liking for the Dharma and the Chinese Metaphysics. Being happy and at ease, Master Dai Hu never consider setting up shop for his trade. In the beginning, he did not even want to print his own name cards, and only wish to acquaint himself with clients with whom they shared an affinity. After endless pleas from his disciples, he finally relented and allow his disciple to set up his Facebook profile as well as a personal website to share his life experience with the world. Master Dai Hu’s maiden article on Facebook was posted on 23rd September 2013, and his personal website makes its debut on 19 June 2015.

In this multifarious world of the Internet, should you,by mere coincidence,stumble onto Master Dai Hu’s site, I welcome you to rest and recharge your spirits in this Life’s pitstop, and take your time to savor the almost 200 articles I wrote depicting the emotions and hurdles of life.

May the Light of Wisdom from Master Dai Hu penetrates the shrouds of ignorance engulfing you. May you be led by my guiding light onto a smooth path of eternal happiness and illumination. Amituofo.



empowering individuals to change their destinies.