玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu


你、妳的“欠影”Your Shadow of Debt

出生於七,八十年代的讀者粉絲們, 對這篇文章來説,應該是親切的。那是因爲,本地有位女歌手,就在那個時期,唱了一首歌,名為「牽引」。而這首歌也成爲她的成名曲。但吾所要傳達的,是“欠影”的種種, 而並非「牽引」的種種。因此,讀者粉絲們可別搞錯了哦。哈哈哈!


有位少婦從網絡上得知有吾這位師父,固而來找吾為其新生寶寶撰名。後來是勘察陽宅地理,以及夫婦倆和他們第二位千金的名字,等等。在陽宅地理方面,他們的居家實在是很多問題的。但俗語說的好,“ 沒有三兩三,哪敢上梁山。”他們居家的“問題” ,吾一一的為他們設法解決。唯獨一件事,吾實不相瞞的對他們說了又說,至今他們仍然沒有“行動 ”。因此,他們得賠上四個人的健康、事業、學業、財富、等等。更嚴重還會影響身理及心理。這些都是“巨大的損失”啊!


怨親債主,不是祗有他們才有,其實普天下的人都有。輕者讓你妳破財、傷心難過。重者與你,妳同歸於盡啊!或許有人會說: “哎喲!不用怕啦! 來就跟他,她拼!”


吾寫這篇文章,是要提醒大家,且莫將怨親債主等閒視之,善惡到頭終有報,祗爭來早與來遲。他,她若再這一世與你,妳“相遇”,想過好日子,難啊! 速速披露懺悔吧!速速積累更多善功德吧!再將所做的種種善功德,迴向怨親債主吧!祝願大家;早日“甩掉”你,妳們的“欠影” 。哈哈哈!

Shadow of Debts Back view

For those of you who are born in the 70s and 80s, I am sure you would find the title of this article close to your heart. There was a local female singer from that era who rose to fame with the Chinese song 「牽引」, but this article is not about that song. Rather, the topic of this article “欠影” is similar sounding to the song. So please don’t be confused.

For more than 10 years, I have been using the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics to benefit sentient beings. My wisdom has been greatly enhanced through the Dharma, enabling me to have a discerning eye and not be distracted by worldly delusions from my lifelong relentless pursuit of the Supreme Wisdom. Only with this Wisdom can we break through all aversions and endless sufferings in the six realms of existence, and achieve eternal joy and bliss.

A young married woman got to know me from the Internet and engaged my service to pen a name for her newborn. Geomancy audit of her house followed next, and lastly the name change of her husband, their second daughter and herself. Their house presented many Feng Shui problems but as the Chinese proverb goes, “One wouldn’t risk going up the mountains without true ability.” I resolved them all but there was one matter which I had repeatedly reminded them to do yet till today, no action was taken. This resulted in the decline of their health, wealth, academic results and careers. It would also affect their psychological health greatly. This are huge losses indeed!

I could have just walked away with my remuneration, but I adhered strictly to my precepts from my Dharma practice and would not allow monetary gain to motivate me. Upon reading her bazi (birth chart), I realised her karmic creditors were hindering her. No wonder she refused to change her ways despite my reminders!

Karmic creditors are not just unique to this client of mine. In fact, every one of us has karmic creditors. For less serious cases, your karmic creditors will cause you to lose your wealth, emotional well-being etc. For the serious ones, it becomes a matter of life and death! Perhaps some of you might say, “I’m not afraid! I will fight them all!”

Here’s a piece of sincere advice from Master Dai Hu: there is no way to fight them all. Even if it seems that you have warded them off, that is only for this lifetime. They will be waiting for you in your next and future lifetimes to pester you persistently. Where is the meaning in this? Moreover, it is better to resolve enmity than to keep it alive. A female singer in the 80s by the name of Qian Bai Hui once sang a song titled Infatuated Entanglement. How true the lyrics are! Why the need for non-stop pestering?

I wrote this article to remind everyone not to take your karmic creditors lightly. The law of karma, be it good or bad, will catch up with you one day. You are going to have a tough time this life if you encounter your karmic creditors. Do your repentance quickly! Accumulate your merits swiftly! Dedicate all merits to your karmic creditors. I wish everyone to quickly dump your shadows of debt. Hahaha!


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