妳你的命妳你的運Your Destiny and Fortune
玳瑚師父看人到底有多「神 」?
吾,玳瑚師父,到底準到什麼程度?只需一眼望嚮妳你,就知妳你是否在運中。 亦可從妳你的髮質,吐氣、身色(皮膚之光澤)、眼神,等等,知曉妳你「近況如何」。更神的是,妳你走過吾身邊,吾即可知妳你,旺與行運否。這也是客人對吾,「又愛又恨」的原因啊!(一笑)觀讀此文章後,妳你若還搞不清楚,應找何人規劃妳你一生的命運的話,那真的就是妳你的造化了。也是妳你的命,妳你的運啊!
The number of people in this world who wish to know their destiny is as vast as the stars in the sky! Is it wrong to want to know what lies ahead in your life? Is it considered superstitious? Well, it is neither wrong nor superstitious. If you want to talk about superstition, I would categorise, as being superstitious, people who thought that knowing where their destiny lies can solve all their problems, or people who believe that they can do nothing to change their destiny. A superstitious person has no clarity and awareness. If you wish to know your destiny, you ought to have the determination to steer your life towards betterment. You are far from being superstitious, in fact, your perseverance will assure your success in bettering your own life.
If you are such a person, you do not need to have your destiny read
I mentioned above that those people who believe that knowing their destiny will solve all their problems as superstitious. Why? Reason being, the vast majority of you would rather hear the favourable things about your life, and turn a deaf ear to those areas needing attention and effort to change. Therefore, you will not have the focus, interest and patience to listen to the Master and ask for his advice to alter the course of your life. This is why I said these people are truly superstitious, holding on to the false and impractical belief that ignorance, of the imperfect possibilities in their destiny, is bliss. I say this is being dishonest and lazy to yourself.
To this group of sentient beings, I have full respect for their decision, and give my blessings and empowerment to the growth of their wisdom and merits. Master Dai Hu would rather choose to hear the Master who decodes my destiny, and seek his advice to better my own lot. I do not wish to drop into a pothole, with a loud thud unexpectedly, as I walk along in my life journey. That would be really “Amituofo”! Actually, if you are one who refuse to accept the opinion and advice of others, you would be better off not seeking a Master to decode your destiny! A person who think that he or she is always right will not give 100% effort to follow the Master’s advice to improve his or her destiny and formulate his or her life chart.
How amazing is Master Dai Hu’s ability to read you?
How accurate is Master Dai Hu? A look at you is all I need to tell if you are in luck. I can also read your current fortunes by just looking at your hair texture, your breath, your skin tone and radiance, your eyes, etc. The most amazing thing is you just have to walk past me, and I will know if you are in luck or not. This is why some clients have a “love-hate” relationship with me! Ha! After reading this article, if you still cannot figure out who to engage to plan your destiny, then it is really your own doing in this lifetime. Like I said, this is your destiny, your fortune!