寫給雨寫給妳你Writing to the Rain, Writing to You
一年皆夏的新加坡,水對於這熱帶國家,自然而然是重要的。在前年吾會告知弟子學生們,我國將有兩年的「水荒」。果然,在去年我國總理有勸請國人節省用水, 我國麦里芝蓄水池,也出現嚴重的低水位水平。上天真的有好生之德啊!在那危急的時刻,遍灑那珍貴的甘露,使國人、使大地,不至於「枯乾」,不至於生靈絕 滅,上天實偉哉。
雨啊雨,吾很想與祢約法三章,每個月都降幾場大雨,好嗎?降大雨的時間,可否在深夜的一點到三點,又或者午後的三點到五點?雨啊雨,這絕對不是為我所求, 而是為眾生所求。深夜的一至三時,大多的人已入夢鄉。午後的三至五時,大多的人都在上班,都不會有出門的煩惱,老人家、行動不便的孕婦,皆會大大降低「風 險」,感謝雨,接受吾的祝禱,吾虔誠感恩。
五十年前,我國建國總理李光耀先生,他為我國流淚的其中一個原因,相信是我國水源的問題。五十年後的今天,雖然他已「功成身退」,我國依然還是會面對水源 的問題,那是因為,我國的八字是缺水的。我們生在這裡,長在這裡,我們每一個人,都應該將妥善用水的理念與美德,人人口耳相傳,代代相傳,愛國愛己。
To a tropical country with summer weather all year round like Singapore, water is naturally very important. I predicted to my students two years ago that our county would experience two years of dry weather with little rain. Indeed, last year, our Prime Minister advised our countrymen to be prudent in our water usage. The MacRitchie reservoir also reported a serious case of low water level. The Heaven is truly noble and benevolent towards mankind and would bestow precious rain at the crucial moments for the people and the lands, sparing them the fate of wilting and extinction.
Rain, oh rain, please allow me to make a pact with you. Would you bestow us with a big shower every month? And when it happens, would you do it between 1am to 3am, or between 3pm to 5pm? Oh, dear Rain, this is not my selfish wish but for all sentient beings. They are mostly asleep during 1am to 3am, or at work during 3pm to 5pm and shall be spared the troubles of travelling in the rain. More so for the elderly and the pregnant women whose risk would be reduced. Thank you, dear Rain. Please accept my prayer and sincere gratitude.
Fifty years ago when our founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, shed tears for the nation, I believe that our water source was one of the reasons. Fast forward fifty years, even as Mr Lee had passed on, leaving a legacy behind, our water sources continue to pose a challenge for the country. This is due to the birth chart of Singapore, which predestined the severe lack of the water element. We live and grew up here, thus we have the responsibility to spread the positive message and virtue of water conservation, for the generations to come.
The next three months, as well as the months of October and November shall be crucial, after which we will bid a temporary farewell to the drought season. A gentle reminder to everyone: in the months mentioned above, there will be changes in your body. Do refrain from excessive consumption of durians and other heaty food or risk spending a fortune visiting the doctor. Ladies and gentlemen, please be on your guard.
Photo: Google images