不正床位痛苦連天Woes of A Wrong Bed Placement
好久未見這位朋友兼客戶了,但願他佛緣圓滿、六時皆吉祥。記得當年來到他家門外時,欲想敲他家門外時,他已見著吾,于是很快地走向吾,吾也很快地向他表明 來意,哪知有緣就是有緣,不須多加以解說,所謂一拍即合。他大方地請吾落座他那特別設計的酒吧櫃台,誠懇地邀請吾,幫他勘察其主 臥房,可是吾未踏進主臥房時,呈現在吾眼前,是一種有台階、歪斜且在角落頭,紫色的雙人床。當下吾的心,有種莫名不祥的覺受,之後我們就回去 酒吧櫃台處。
其實不懂看相的人,當時見了吾的「反應」,也早已心裡有數,知道情況不妙。因此,吾也坦誠向他娓娓道來。首先吾勸他速速,將那歪斜之床,擇日移回正位, 並且對他說,這種床位擺法, 定會夫妻失和. 他聽了不但沒罵吾,而且告訴吾,已有此現象。吾接著跟他說,除此之外, 他的床位在對照他的門位, 恐怕會有怪異之事發生. 此如:鬼祟、工作意外、難產、等等。吾再次勸他請專業有德之士好好規劃其屋宅。他則說其太太不信風水命理。吾聽後沒說什麼,只遞給他吾的連絡號碼就拜別 他,繼續化緣去。
床位的對錯其實是整個陽宅的最重要部分,學堪輿者不能不知啊!要知道床位為何如此重要,乃因我們的生理及心理都在床上啊! 床位擺不對,何只夜長夢多,疾病連床而來,演變最後痛苦連天啊!
It has been a long time since I last saw this friend, who is also a client of mine. May he be having a deep and complete affinity with the Dharma and be blessed every hour of the day. I remembered that day when we first met. I arrived at his doorstep and was about to knock on his door. He saw me and walked briskly towards my direction. I told him very quickly the purpose of my visit and it seemed that we have a deep affinity with each other and hit it off very well. He was generous and invited me into his house and we sat at the bar counter, which was uniquely designed. He sincerely invited me to see the Feng Shui of his master bedroom. Before I took my first step into the room, I could already see the way the bed was set up: a purple double bed, on a series of steps, placed diagonally in a corner. At that moment, a sense of foreboding crept into me. We went back to the bar counter after the brief audit.
Given my reaction then, even a noob at face reading could have told from my expression that something was wrong. I shared my views on his master bedroom honestly. Firstly, I advised him to shift the bed to a proper position, as soon as possible, on an auspicious date. I told him that this incorrect bed position would surely result in disharmony in his marriage. Upon hearing this, he did not tell me off but instead confessed that there were signs of it happening already. I further elaborated that the his bed position was facing the door and that would result in abnormal happenings like ghost sightings, freak accidents at work, difficult birth, etc. I urged him to engage someone with the necessary expertise and moral values to do a proper Feng Shui audit of his house. Instead, he replied that his wife did not believe in Feng Shui and Chinese metaphysics. I did not reply him but gave him my contact number and bade him farewell to continue my affinity with sentient beings.
One day while I was about to have dinner with a friend at Maxwell Road hawker centre, he called me to tell me a good news: his wife was pregnant and he was now with his wife expecting the birth very soon. I felt happy for them after hearing this news, but it was not to be. A few hours later, he called and told me the baby was lost through a miscarriage.
The position of the bed is the most crucial element when it comes to the Feng Shui of a residence. All Feng Shui practitioners must never neglect this point.!Why is the bed placement so important? The reason lies in the fact that our physiological and mental health are greatly influenced by our bed placement! If the bed position is wrong, it would not be just nightmares bothering you, but a myriad of illnesses coming to you, resulting in never ending pain and sufferings!