妳你身後的那幾位是.......Who Are Those “People” Behind You?
在臺灣的某所大學宿舍裡,有兩位要好的女同學「共處一室」。女同學甲正為大考「挑燈苦讀」。女同學乙則在衛生間洗澡。女同學乙洗完澡後,「突發奇想」地想化一個鬼妝,嚇一嚇其室友。于是「準備就緒」後,靜悄悄地走到其室友的身後,然後拍了室友的背部。其室友轉身一 看,卻被嚇暈了。
女同學乙見狀後,趕忙地又拍又搖的,希望其室友能「回天有術」。終於的,女同學甲醒了過來,而女同學乙慚愧地向她連忙道歉,並解說 自己剛才,祇是想和她玩一玩,哪知……?女同學甲聽後心裡有餘悸地告訴她,當她背部被拍時,她轉身所看到的,真的有隻鬼物在其身後,而這鬼物的模樣,像足她所化的鬼妝,恐怖異常,因而暈了過去。女同學聽後,深覺不可思議,當下自己也毛骨悚然。
有位留學海外的妙齡女郎,在「研究」了多位風水命理師父後,,毅然撥電給吾,欲找吾為其批大運,想從命理找尋其「心靈空虛」的答案。在一場飯局裡,她就坐在吾的正前方,恰好讓吾能與她「心靈相約」,從而解除她「自設的遊戲」密碼,其「心靈空虛」的覺受,自可迎刃而 解。為何吾知曉這位妙齡女郎,「心靈空虛」的病源,是來自於其「自設的遊戲」呢?因為她的雙眼早已出賣了她。這就是吾所謂的,與她「心靈 相約」啊!哈……。妙哉!妙哉!
其實不祇是這位妙齡女郎,所有來到吾跟前的眾生,吾都是與她他們「心靈相約」的。但願這位妙齡女郎,速速依吾開給她的「藥方」,定時「服用」,以免為時已晚。玳瑚師父何出此言?此言出自於其身上早有「陰霾之氣」,即鬼氣也。她也已親口相告,曾看見也曾夢見鬼物。鬼物屬底等靈,動物靈也是。被此等靈附身,慾火必燃燒,貪得無厭死於慾火裡。應尋明師解求,急急如律令想問妳你,妳你身後的那幾位 是……?

In the dormitory of a Taiwan University, there are two ladies who are good friends and roommates. Female A is mugging away through the night for a major examination, while Female B takes a shower in the bathroom. After her bath, Female B has an “inspiration” to give her roommate a good fright by making up as a ghost figure. Thus, after her “makeover”, she creeps behind the back of her roommate, and taps on her shoulder. Female A turns round, and faints in fright.
What really freaked the female student out was…
Realizing that the situation has gone awry, Female B immediately shakes and pats her roommate, hoping that she will come round. Thankfully, Female A regains consciousness. Female B hurriedly apologizes to her, admitting her guilt and that she only meant it as a joke. After listening to her explanation, Female A, still reeling in fear, tells her roommate that when she turned around after being patted on her shoulder, she did saw a ghostly figure which looked exactly like Female A, in her ghostly make-up. It was so terrifying that she fainted. Upon hearing what her roommate said, Female B finds it incredibly eerie and the hair on her neck begins to stand.
The overseas graduate who saw a ghost
A young lady, who is an overseas graduate, called me to seek my Destiny Analysis service, after intensive research into many Feng Shui masters. She was hoping that the consultation will give her answers, on why she was feeling emptiness in her heart. During a meal session, she sat directly opposite me, an opportune moment for me to have a spiritual connection with her and, out of it, decipher the secret code of her “self-devised game”. This allowed me to solve her issue easily. Why would I know that the origin of her problem lies in her “self-devised game”? Because her eyes have betrayed her long ago. This is what I meant by “spiritual connection”! Ha… How brilliant indeed!
This young lady is not the only person whom I have had “spiritual connection”. Every sentient being who comes to me, I am able to meet with their inner souls. It is my hope that this young lady takes immediate action, according to the remedies I had prescribed her, and follow up on them conscientiously, before it is too late. Why do I say that? It is because she is already carrying a negative, ghostly aura around her. She had also told me in person of her recent dream encounter with a ghost. A ghost belongs to the lower echelons of beings. So does a animal spirit. Once a person is possessed by such a spirit, the fire of desires will rage, and the person will surely perish in the fires of greed and desires. You should immediately seek the advice of an accomplished master. So, who are those “people” behind you…?