氣聚才算是旺宅What Makes An Auspicious House
近日,吾有在臉書上,讓大家動一動腦筋試答,也鼓勵大家學習這門對吾等人類,直接有效的大學問。大家可別忘了「一命二運三風水四積德五讀書」這席話哦!玳 瑚師父感謝大家的試答,雖然還沒有一位「射中紅心」,這是無可厚非的,那是因為妳你們大多都是門外漢,還未「射中紅心」是可以理解的。請大家繼續參,失敗 乃成功之母。
近年吾在勘察陽宅地理時,發現好多人的家中,財庫位的位置,大多都堆積雜物。天啊!這樣如何會有生機呢?沒有生機,又如何會順利,會發富呢?一般人總以 為,財庫位不就是指財嗎?其實它不祇是財而已,它也幫助我們的工作、生意的訂單,以及家庭的生計。財庫位是重要的,但它祇是陽宅風水裡,其中的一環而已。 陽宅風水裡,還有四項更重要的,也得必需仔細勘察,以臻圓滿。
一般人總以為,在高尚的住宅區,又或者黃金地帶,就屬於旺宅。這是祇知其一,而不知其二。一間屋子是不是旺宅,是要看這間屋子,「生氣盎然」否,若是的 話,這樣的屋子住下來,才會也才能,開枝散葉、人人健康、人人安居樂業,等等。觀氣的本領,是每位地理師應俱備的,切記!氣聚的屋子,才算是旺宅。祝福大 家找到真正的旺宅。
There are more than one method or school when we perform a Feng Shui audit on a space, either for the living or the dead. Nevertheless, no matter which method you employ, it should always be authentic. How can you tell the authenticity of a Feng Shui school of thought or methodology? If you practice Feng Shui diligently and honestly, it would be clearly evident that the authenticity lies in two principal elements. They are the forms and the energy force. If you deviate from them, your study of Feng Shui will never be complete.
Recently I posted a few Feng Shui related articles on my Facebook to encourage a deeper thinking into this impactful subject. Lest not forget this Chinese saying “First and Foremost, your Destiny dictates. Second comes your Fortune. Thirdly, the Feng Shui of your space. Fourthly, your merits and lastly, your education.”. I would like to thank those who tried to answer the questions posed by me on Facebook. Although no one has yet to hit the bull’s eye, an inevitable fact with you being laymen in Feng Shui, please do not stop trying as failure is the mother of all success.
In recent years when I did Feng Shui audits, I discovered that many houses had their wealth position cluttered with piles of things. Good heavens! How could there be vitality force present? With no vitality force, how can one sail smoothly ahead and be prosperous? It is very typical for people to associate the wealth position directly with money. Actually, it encompasses much more to include your career, business orders, and even the livelihood of the entire family. The wealth position is important but is only a component amongst four others to consider if we are talking about Feng shui for the living. All four components must be looked into with detail, in order for the audit to be complete.
A typical person would think that living in a luxurious apartment, or in a prime area, constitutes living in an auspicious abode. This is just one side of the coin. To judge if a house is auspicious, one must observe if the energy of vitality and vigour is present. If the energy is strong and flowing, the occupants would enjoy descendants and good health, good prospects and stability. A competent Feng Shui master must be equipped with this ability of energy observation.Please remember this: Only when a house is congregated with vitality force can it be considered auspicious.
I wish everyone happy house hunting. May you find your auspicious abode soon.