登山觀浮雲Watching the Clouds From the Mountains
I remembered my younger days when I simply loved to ride my precious mountain bike to unknown remote places where there were little signs of habitation. Sometime I rode with my neighbours and friends, other times I went alone. I preferred to be on my own. My choice of solitude allowed me to slowly and peacefully explored traces left by past inhabitants. It also enabled me to discover the beauty of Nature, her peace, her punctuality, her integrity, her contribution and love. These descriptions of Mother Nature did not arise when I was younger. These came to being only after I learnt the Dharma and developed a contemplative wisdom of insight.
My Guru Master said that climbing the mountain will build one’s physique, as well as cultivate one’s patience, perseverance and a body and mind of illuminated clarity. My Guru Master is right and logical. More than 10 years ago, I used to enjoy going to a well-known hill on the South Western part of the island with a Dharma brother, to admire the rural idyll of Nature, as well as to share the Dharma books written by our Guru Master. More than 10 seasons of Winter and Summer had passed. How time flies! It is a relief that I did not waste the past decade. The fields of Chinese Metaphysics and the Dharma are filled with superior wisdom. I researched both studies diligently, propagated the Dharma to benefit the sentient beings, promoted the wisdom of Chinese Metaphysics, and delivered sentient beings when the affinity arises.
The message that this article hopes to convey is definitely not of pessimism. It is about being in one-ness with the wisdom of Nature. It tells of the pure perseverance of integrating our own consciousness and wisdom with that of the Universe. If you do not believe in the incredibility of Nature, please indulge me as I share with you the wisdom I gained from Nature.
The wisdom I gained from Nature:
1. A spiritual practitioner needs to be constantly aware and watch over his mind, and not let it wander and be restless.
2. The cycle of life and destruction (formation, existence, destruction, emptiness) is indeed true. In this worldly existence, you may experience wealth or poverty, success or failure, beauty or ugliness, nobility or lowness , longevity or short life span, happiness or sorrow, yet all these will pass.
3. The world is in a constant flux of change.
4. Spiritual cultivation must begin early as your next breathe may not come.
5. Spiritual cultivation must adhere to a sequence. More haste less speed.
6. The foundation of spiritual cultivation is dependent on the nobility of our character. Heaven and Earth is noble and all-encompassing.
7. Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.
Look at all the precious gifts endowed to us by Nature. With all these treasures in hand, I am already a rich man. What else more is there to ask for?
As human beings, we ought to live simply. Being born in this world, heavily tainted by the Five Turbidities, is more than enough suffering. Why is there a rush to entangle oneself with more ropes?
The Second Patriarch of the Zen Tradition, Reverend Hui Ke, seeked out Bodhidharma to ask for a way to ease his heart. Bodhidharma ask Reverend Hui Ke to hand over his heart so that He could ease it. At that moment, it dawned on Reverend Hui Ke that He was the only one who could ease His own heart, and not by others. The common people often complained of sufferings, but very few actually take some quiet time out to ponder deeply and search for the origin of sufferings. Who give you these sufferings? You will discover, after your deep ponder, that you are the culprit who force the sufferings upon yourself. Let it go! Besides working for your basic sustenance, you should get in touch with Nature, just like me, and contemplate on the way to become a truly happy, free, joyful and pure person.
My Gratitude to All.

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