洗滌業障Washing Away Negative Karma
Every time after I participate in a puja ceremony in Taiwan, despite the lack of sleep, the very first feeling I experienced was thorough purification. I am deeply grateful for this rare Dharma affinity.
The moment we stray away from our spiritual cultivation, we will start accumulating the worldly filth of defilement both inside and outside our body, by the second and minute. As long as we do not get rid of this filth, it will eventually manifest into obstacles, a sign of negative karma. Once that happens, please blame no one but yourself.
You wish for a better life and so do I. Everyone wants to do well in life. But have you ever given it any thought on how to achieve the prosperity you want? Are you going to get it by meddling in office politics, back-stabbing others, hating and being jealous of others, finding fault with others and engage in bad-mouthing? If that is so, let me tell you this: even if you engage the best fortune teller, you will never be able to turn your life around.