卫賽節快樂Vesak Day Greetings
玳瑚師父在此祝大家卫賽節快樂。在浴佛的時候,如同在為自己洗心革面。所謂「外浴佛身,内淨自心」。希望妳你們真的能體會到2600年前南無本師釋迦牟尼佛的教義, 而不要等到老了才遺憾自己未更早清淨自己的身心。
Master Dai Hu would like to wish all readers and fans a Happy Vesak Day. As you pour the water over the Buddha statue (commonly known as “Bathing the Buddha” ceremony), it is symbolic of you turning over a new leaf. On the outside, you are bathing the Buddha, while on the inside, you are cleaning your soul and washing away all the negative karmic causes. I hope everyone of you will be able to grasp and understand the teachings that Lord Buddha Shakyamuni taught 2600 years ago. Please do not wait till you are aged and over your prime before regretting that you did not purify your body and soul when you had the chance to.
Photo: Luis Chang