招財進寶Usher in Wealth and Prosperity
話說回來,要如何貼春聯,才算是貼對呢?打個比方說;妳你想貼上一副「五福臨門」,的春聯於家中,而妳你「不幸的」將這「五福臨門」的春聯,貼在五黃煞方,因此流年中,家中怪事屢出不窮,各個成員都有可能,成為MC King,等等。又比方說,以八卦的八個方位而論,那「五福臨門」是貼在,家中排行最小的子女卦位上,而她或他是忌水的,Oh my Buddha, 那就不堪設想嘍!那時候就不是「五福臨門」,而是「五黃臨門」了……

You really need to put in a lot of solid, hard work to accomplish certain things. After immersing myself in the Dharma and spiritual cultivation, my wisdom expands, giving me the discerning eyes to separate the superstitions from the Truth. I am better able to bring benefits to myself and others, both in this Yang realm and the Yin realm. Even till today, there are many families and businesses, that display red couplets, with auspicious wordings in their homes and premises, during this Spring Festival period. It is conventional to have bright aspirations for the New Year. The problem lies in your lack of knowledge of the five elements. You do not know if the elemental type of the wordings on the couplets is your favourable element, according to your birth chart. You also do not know if the location of the couplets in your homes and places of business is appropriate or not. If these two factors are spot on, the results you will get would be as immediate as the shadow formed from the stick striking the ground. How amazing that is! Ha!
Why Is Red the Preferred Colour for CNY?
In a typical Chinese society with its traditional customs, the colour, red, is favoured during the Chinese New Year period. This is definitely not a superstition, if you have studied the four seasons and the five elements in Chinese Metaphysics. It is like the Christmas and New Year holidays celebrated by the Westerners, with their Christmas trees, roast turkeys and the Santa Claus in his red coat and hat. The same principle applies here. By inference, you can understand why red packets must be red in colour (and NOT just because we named it as red packet). Among all the colours, the colour, red, directly and best conveys the vibrant and joyous energy of celebrations and prosperity, and gives unlimited hope for the future.
The wrong location of a couplet can beckon the Five Yellow Star
Coming back to the topic, how do we ensure that the red couplets are pasted correctly? Take for an example: You stick a red couplet, with the phrase “The Five Blessings Descends At Your Door” (五福臨門), at home. Unfortunately, you chose to display it at the location of the Five Yellow Star of the current year. Soon, you start experiencing strange happenings at home, and family members take turns to become “MC King”, etc.
Let’s use another example: There are eight directions in the Eight Trigrams. You happen to place the red couplet in the Trigram direction, representing the youngest child at home, and if this youngest child’s taboo element is water, it is going to be a case of “Oh my Buddha!”, with unimaginable consequences. In this case, “The Five Blessings Descends At Your Door” will become the “Five Yellow Star Descends At Your Door”!
The secret to usher in Wealth & Prosperity
A red couplet with the phrase “Usher In The Wealth & Prosperity” (招財進寶) can be pasted on your main door, or the Wealth corner in your house. But you will need to have some knowledge of Feng Shui, to ascertain that the position does not host the Two Black Star or the Five Yellow Star. To stimulate the wealth and prosperity energies further, select an auspicious date and time, and set up a wealth and prosperity formation, at the spot where the couplet is. When the work is done, your goal of better money luck is accomplished!
In the aspects of karma and affinity, if you perform virtuous deeds diligently and persistently without any calculative mindset, the riches and fortunes will come rolling in even if you do not desire or summon them. Master Dai Hu can say so because I am a living testament of it.

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