明因果無煩惱Understand Karma for a Worry-free Life

I have recited this mantra countless times.
And I have lost count of how many animals I have helped.
I recite the mantra in the restaurants, at clients’ homes with aquariums, beside the ponds, at the meat section of supermarkets, when I spot the carcasses of insects and snails on the streets, when I pass by cemeteries (mostly in Taiwan and Malaysia) and when I read of death cases in the newspapers.
Every time I recite the mantra, it will be at least 7 times.
Every time I recite the mantra, I do so with my heart in it.
Every time after I do so, I will remind the animals not to bear grudges for their sad ending, for what we did wrong in our past lives, we pay it back this life. They must repent soon to get out of their sufferings and attain eternal bliss.
Alas, it is still my effort alone.
I have imparted this mantra to many disciples, students and clients. Till date, how many of them still bother to do so as I have taught?
The greed of mankind shows no sign of abating. Not only is the quantity of fishes in the aquariums increasing but there are more and more rare species among them. Beyond the wounds on their lips, I saw in them the fear, hopelessness, helplessness and most obviously, the hatred and ignorance in their eyes. If we consume them, we are taking in their energies of hatred and ignorance into our bodies. What will happen then to our physical and mental states? Why are cancer cases on the rise? Where did you think the cancer tumours come from?
Is it that necessary to consume live seafood for the sake of ‘freshness’?
In the Food and Beverage industry, there is definitely the act of taking lives of sentient beings. However, it is not only with knives and choppers that we commit the act of killing. Cursing others, devising ways to harm others etc, is akin to killing.
In this life, you take the lives of other sentient beings. In the next lifetime, they will come after yours. This is the Law of Karma, which ensures real equality. An eye for an eye, in all fairness. One of the karmic consequences of taking lives will be sickness, disobedience and rebellion in your offspring. Please act carefully.
I wish for everyone to understand the truth of the Law of Karma in order to lead a life of no worry.
As we live, do not deceive your own heart,
For the Gods and Spirits are everywhere and no one will be spared,
The Good and the Bad will get what they deserve,
It is just but a matter of time.
(Spend less time on your mobile phone and instead, more time to recite the Short Mantra for Rebirth to Pureland!)