齊發力量扭轉乾坤Together, We Can Turn The Tide

Has it ever crossed your mind to wonder exactly what kind of planet Earth are we living in? And it seem that this place is getting more and more unstable. We are witnessing nuclear crisis, increased terrorism threats, unpredictable tragedies and natural disasters, new mutant viruses… Let me tell you this: this planet is actually a humongous prison, and all the disasters and tragedies are our universal karmic retributions. If you wish to plan your escape, you must first set an intention of renunciation. Thereafter, you take refuge in a genuine and accomplished master to learn the way, to free yourself from this huge prison, which is the Buddhadharma.
Why do I want to conduct free tea sessions and pujas, even when it is tiring?
Master Dai Hu definitely has no inclination for destructive behaviour towards myself. Organizing these CNY dinner sessions, the occasional tea sessions, and small puja sessions is my way of fulfilling my great aspirations, made repeatedly to the Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas. I vowed to use my knowledge of the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics together, to benefit all sentient beings. At times, my physical body is really unwell, but I still press on to accomplish my mission, that is to infuse happiness and Dharma joy to those who come to me. A vow made must be actualised. It is a singular focus towards spiritual cultivation, which shall yield the fruits of spiritual accomplishment, and the way out from this prison of gloom!
The main idea of the puja sessions, tea sessions and dinner sessions are to benefit you, as well as the sentient beings from the other realms of existence. Frankly speaking, your decision to attend or miss these sessions have absolutely nothing to do with me. I can only heave and sigh that you are not blessed with enough wisdom and fortune, to seize the golden opportunity presented to you, so that you can escape from the ocean of sufferings and snip away the big mesh of ropes that is bounding you now.
I am a spiritual cultivator, and lead my life in a carefree way. Whether you come for my session or not, I expound the wondrous and euphonious Dharma, with a heart of joy and ease. Those who have affinity with me will come while those without shall take their leave. It is all about affinity. Ha…!
We are in the same predicament & should help one another!
All of us are trapped in this huge prison. We are in the same boat, and should look out for one another, helping one another onto the path of kindness and betterment. Together, we can ascend to the Pureland and enjoy eternal bliss. If not, it will be suffering in unison! Be it a puja, dinner session or a tea session, they are meant to inspire and awake your dust-settled wisdom, and set free your spirit, never to return to this planet Earth for corrective labour. Only then will you truly be able to justify to yourself and the gift of life bestowed to you. Treat yourself with kindness, not meanness. Let us join our hands together and turn the tide. Let us all transform our destinies for the better!

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Testimonial : 2015 CNY Predictions For the Year of the Wood Goat
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Testimonial : 2015 CNY Predictions For the Year of the Wood Goat