天下有賊Thieves abound in the world
If you are an ardent fan of mine, you would certainly known that I loved poetry and verses. Poetry from the Tang Dynasty, and verses from the Buddha and the wise sages. I learned about the Tang Dynasty in my primary school days. My teacher told us that the commoners in those days slept in total peace at night without any worry of burglar breaking into their homes, even with their doors unlocked. When I heard that, I was full of awe and praise of the Tang Dynasty, that the period was indeed times of prosperity with good governance. Many great poets and spiritual practitioners also emerged from this period of time. Great names like Xuan Zhuang, Shan Wu Wei, Hui Guo, Du Pu, Li Bai, Bai Ju Yi, Li Shang Yin, etc.
Real-Life Thieves vs “Extraordinary” Thieves
At this point, let me share a joke with everyone, to have some laughter while staying young at heart, and also to lead everyone into the treasure trove of wisdom to acquire the precious wisdom, that can set you free from endless sufferings. Here goes: A man died and went to the Netherworld to be interrogated by the King of Hades, who asked him, “What was your profession before you died?”. The man replied that he was a house mover. The King of Hades said that the man held a honest and virtuous job. Only upon further questioning that He realized that the man was a “house mover” in the night time! A burglar who moved people’s belongings from unguarded houses! Ha ha ha!
Fact is, thieves still exist in this world, that is why you see anti-crime posters everywhere. Even the supermarkets are employing more security personnels in recent years. If there is no thief, why these extra expenses? A thief is best at sneaking in for a heist when everybody is least aware. This kind of thief can be physically apprehended by the law enforcers. Another kind of thief, however, is harder to defend against, and apprehend, by most people. Only when you practice the Dharma wholeheartedly can you escape from its evil clutches, and enjoy eternal bliss with freedom from sufferings.
We are living with “thieves” everyday!
In Buddhism, there are the six sense-organs, namely the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. They are also known as the six thieves. Why so? I said that a thief would pounce when you are at your weakest. These six sense-organs are defenseless and lazy, and become desirous of sight, sound, smell, food, gossips, touch, thought, etc, causing you to lose your merits to be born human again, for the next thousands of lifetimes. These thieves will rob you of your body, mind and spiritual well-bring. This is far more grievous than the material possession the real-world thieves will steal from you! Let me tell you something, these unseen thieves are most terrified of the Dharma. If you wish for a world without thieves, only the Dharma can make it happen. Without the Dharma, the world will be infested with thieves.