風調雨順,國泰民安The Way To a Prosperous & Peaceful Nation with Favourable Weather
The Chinese phrase of “風調雨順,國泰民安”, literally translated as “Smooth Winds and Favourable Rains, Prosperous Nation and Peaceful Society” should be quite familiar to most people. You might have heard of this phrase many times but do you really understand the essence of it? Or have you ever pondered deeply about the deeper meaning of this phrase? You must know that a person with real ability and wisdom surely would have committed time and effort to investigate all possibilities before coming to a final conclusion. This is the true billing of a able and learned person.
“Prosperous Nation and Peaceful Society” refers to a strong and wealthy nation, peaceful and prosperous with her people well-clothed, well-fed and gainfully employed. There seems to be nothing wrong with the above, but why do we precede the phrase with this “Smooth Winds and Favourable Rains”? This goes to show that this material world is heavily linked to the Universe and natural phenomenons. Is it not so? Let us all be still and ponder over it. What is the difference between a country with four seasons and a country with no seasonal change? What is the difference between a country stricken with natural and man-made disasters and one who experiences very little or none at all. After much thinking, you would have realised that having “Smooth Winds and Favourable Rains” is so important!
In actual fact, the phrase “Smooth Winds and Favourable Rains” cannot be taken literally as really having smooth and favourable weather. The real essence lies in the true and diligent cultivation of every person, nation and even the whole world to truly realise the the day when the whole world will have “Smooth Winds and Favourable Rains”. If we miss the point, it is nothing but just a far fetched fairy tale, best to be shelved at the back of your head.
The wind is represented by the Qi (life energy) inside your body, reflected in your breath. The rain is represented by the water and nutrients in your body. These water and nutrients rely heavily on the Qi in the body to move and guide their passage in your body, reaching a state of stillness and one-ness of the mind. In this state, you will naturally be able to tolerate and embrace everything, a country and the world. That would be totally aligned with the phrase “Smooth Winds and Favourable Rains, Prosperous Nation and Peaceful Society”.