聼不到的說話The Unheard Voices
If the photographs in this article cause uneasiness in you, I seek your forgiveness.
從2003年至2012年,在新加坡每年有平均11,200個胎兒被墮掉,妳你知道嗎?2014年雖有下降的趨勢,墮胎率仍有8,515。目前,每個月還有大約600個胎兒被「謀殺」。 六成以上的墮胎者是已婚婦女。而在臺灣,每一個新生寶寶的誕生,就有三個胎兒被墮掉,每年的墮胎率高達300,000左右。 如此嚴重的殺生問題,我們應該認真地看清實相,還是只看合眼緣的照片並輕描淡寫呢?

在一間墮胎診所的垃圾房中尋獲十七包墮胎嬰兒,每一個袋子上都有其母的姓名。 17 Whirl Paks with aborted babies, found in the trash dumpster used by an abortion clinic. Mothers’ names are on each bag. prolifesociety.com

人工流產的二十一個星期大的嬰孩 Prostaglandin aborted baby – 21 weeks Imagesofabortion.com

這人工流產的嬰孩只有二十一個星期大,在一九九三年二月二十七日,遺體從一間美國的婦產科診所裡的罐子取出。 當你惶恐地掙扎,雙腳卻仍被扯斷,那會是怎樣的覺受?
photo credit to original owner
If the photographs in this article cause uneasiness in you, I seek your forgiveness. However, I need to stress the following:
Do you know that from year 2003 to 2012, there was an average of 11,200 abortions each year in Singapore? Although the number dipped to 8,515 abortions in 2014, it is still alarming that there are about 600 “murders” going on a month even as we speak. Statistics reveal that more than 60% of the women who opted for abortion were married. The figures from Taiwan are shocking as well: For every newborn, there are 3 aborted fetuses. Yearly abortion rate stands at approximately 300,000.
This heinous sin of killing lives ought to be looked at clearly and seriously, and not just be swept under the carpet with a superficial attitude. Should we only choose to look at pictures we like, and brush away the grave ones that speak the truth?
I took extra time out after dinner to meet a long-time client, who was known to come knocking only when problem struck. It was, however, better off that we did not meet, for a new worry arose after we met. Because of this, I had to, once again, pen this very important article and continue educating everyone the reasons for Heaven and Hell. I hope everyone will take the open path to Heaven, instead of barging through the closed gates of Hell.
When a human fetus is terminated by abortion, a miscarriage, born a stillborn, or passes away in the early childhood, he or she becomes a fetal spirit. For abortion cases, the soul of the fetus is shattered the moment the parents decided to end his or her life prematurely. When the fetus is being decimated by surgical tools used for abortion, and forcefully extracted from the womb, both his or her heart and physical soul have already been crushed. In my opinion, this way of dying is as tragic as the death suffered by Jesus Christ.

在袋子中墮胎嬰孩的小腳 -孩子只有二十一個星期大。 這樣的畫面如何不心碎呢? Foot of aborted baby in Whirl-Pak – 21 weeks. How could this not break your heart? prolifesociety.com
The feeble fetal spirit roams naked in the terrifying realm of the Underworld, whipped by the cold and unfeeling winds and suffers from shock, hunger, and…. The ignorant spirit can only wail helplessly to express their many emotions. As I write till here, tears are welling up in my eyes. Please do not think that aborting the fetus will remove the hardships which you may be facing at that point in time. The fact is, you are dead wrong. Your ruthlessness and cold-blooded action will only summon more karmic hardships and obstacles to your present and future lifetimes!
As expounded by the Buddha in the Dharma, coupled with my practical observations of many years, women who had abortions and fetal spirits around them, suffer from withering and haggard looks, strange odour from the mouth and body, accelerated aging of the skins, and all sort of weird diseases, especially involving female reproduction organs. For example, it can be tumors relentlessly growing in the womb or the ovaries. When these women are on their deathbed, these fetal spirits will manifest, jumping up and down on the bed, and scream, “Give me back my life!”. Abortion is a heinous sin because the fetus you choose to deprive of life may turn out to be a virtuous sage who attain enlightenment and provide salvation and guidance to all sentient beings. Or perhaps, he or she may invent a vaccination that can successfully fight off a deadly virus and save millions of lives. Thus, your decision to abort is as good as killing those millions of lives, each with a Buddha Nature in them.
Do Not Destroy Your Own Destiny
The Baby You Didn’t Want Is Still Around

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