真實的現象The True Reality
如此一來,我更無法向她說了。 有時,我也希望我有看不準的時候。
My observation of people is fast. When a person walks past me, I am able to know the weight of his fortune. Whether he is wealthy or not, whether he is capable or not, it is impossible to escape my eyes.
During my lessons, some of my disciples would show me photographs of people and asked me questions. Is this person a good business partner? Can this person recover from his illness? Can the marriage of this person be saved? Delighted at my accuracy, the students had much learning fun and were in awe of my expertise in face reading. Clients have, on numerous occasions, showed me photos and seeked my advice on the suitable choice of a maid, a love partner or business partners.
I am quick in face-reading via photos and just as efficient in reading a person in real life. Some people come to me, giving sob stories of their poor financial state, while some men speak of their steadfast loyalty to their wives. I saw through them very soon and gave them a dressing down. I do not appreciate liars, so please do not put up a show in front of me.
Recently, I gave advice to a lady. She has too many undesirable traits. She is foul tempered and obstinate, takes advantage of others’ kindness, has sticky fingers and poor manners with much unkindness in her eyes, just to name a few. Not only do I saw her wretched past, I also saw the bleak future to come for her. Her face was one of sickness and has obvious signs of hair loss. I knew she will be besieged with cancer in time to come.
Is she pitiful? But it’s all her own doing. She has no one to blame but herself.
I saw all these but I did not tell her. As a master, I refrain from frightening others with my predictions. What a dilemma for me sometimes! If I do not speak the truth, my predictions will be deemed inaccurate. It is indeed an art of the speech to please the client in such situation.
I felt sad for her, and repeatedly reminded her to change her ways, hoping that she will rid her bad habits before disaster strikes. However, my advice fell on deaf ears. The more honest I was in pointing out her flaws, the more she looked away from me during conversation, with intensifying displeasure in her eyes.
It is now even more difficult for me to tell her the truth. Sometimes I wish I am inaccurate in my reading too.