宗教的真實義The True Essence of Religion
你妳現在是否正處在,選擇你妳「心靈方向」的十字路口,眼前也似乎充滿迷霧般的茫茫然,而「無所適從」呢? 若是的話,這篇文章就是玳瑚師父為你妳們,向虛空中的高靈們祈禱,將這篇非常重要的文章,傳送到你妳們休閒觀讀的空間裡。讓你妳們在「明燈的指引」下,清清楚楚、明明白白地選擇你妳們最終的「心靈方向」。
全世界的宗教,相信都有幾個共同點。 一; 導人向善向上。 二; 勸人珍惜生命,,尊重生命。三; 感恩於一切。 四; 伸出援手與於一切有情。(不是多啦A夢。) 五; 不可有分別心,等等。宗教所傳達的,永遠是和平與和諧。絕對沒有所謂被批評就教人帶著炸藥、炸彈,向批評者報復。這樣的一種行事,世界如何及幾時才能真正的和平與和諧呢?這些簡直是變相極端啊!
佛教教主南無本師釋迦牟尼佛,教導吾等說: “修行有如調琴,不能太緊亦不能太鬆,因為琴弦太緊會斷。 琴弦太鬆則無法彈出美妙的音樂。 這就是有名的中庸之道。這也是宗教的真實義。依著這正確理念,才能算選對真正能引領你妳,心靈昇華的信仰。
Are you presently at a crossroad when it comes to choosing your spiritual direction, with no clear sight ahead and no obvious choice? If you are, then this article written by Master Dai Hu is just the one for you. I prayed to the higher beings in the Infinite Void that this important article will be delivered to you during your leisure reading time. May this article shine a light of wisdom onto you and, in total clarity and understanding, lead you towards your eventual spiritual direction.
Many people would accuse many others of being superstitious, and this could be explained. Many of those being accused of being superstitious exhibit behaviour and thinking that is incongruent to what the religion prescribes to. These superstitious folks pray to strike the lottery, to become rich through stock or property investment, to marry a beautiful wife, etc. Oh dear, since when did religion become a tool for us to indulge ourselves in our ever increasing greed and desires? If a religion throws dust in its believers’ eyes, how will it command the respect of the people, and be depended on as well as to learn from? Thus it is obvious that these superstitious folks have misunderstood the true essence of religion.
All the religions in this world have a few commonalities. Firstly, they guide their believers towards a virtuous life. Secondly, they teach us to treasure and respect life. Thirdly, they advocate a sense of gratitude for everything in life. Fourthly, they encourage us to always lend a helping hand to those in need. Last but not least, they teach us to view all as equal. Religion is always preaching peace and harmony. A true religion will never ask its believers to harm those who criticise the religion. Such violence will never bring about real peace and harmony in this world. Such violence is practically extremism!
The Shakyamuni Buddha taught us that spiritual cultivation is like playing a lute. The string of the lute can neither be too tight nor too loose. The string will break if it is too tight. On the other hand, the lute will not produce melodious notes if the string is too loose. This is the well known Middle Path, and it also reflects the true essence of religion. With this guiding principle, may you choose the right religion to advance yourself spiritually.

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