雷電伴吾入眠The Thunder Serenade

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I was born with an innate curiosity about the invisible Divine force. As such, I had been addicted to books, which depicted the powerful yet mysterious forces of the Universe, since I was a little boy. To be frank, if you had asked me why I favour such books, I really would have no answer for you. However, I remembered writing in one of my past articles, that I absolutely detest evil doings. Thus reading such books probably meant I read these righteous books with a righteous heart.
How To Address The Lord of Thunder Correctly
Among the deities in the Heavens, there is one which I absolutely adore, revere and fear at the time since young. This deity is commonly known by many as the Lord of Thunder. Now, I have the moral responsibility to tell everyone the proper way to respectfully address this deity. The proper way of address is 九天應元雷神普化天尊. If you have the affinity to visit His temple in the future, please recite His holy name respectfully! We should treat all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and deities in the ten Dharma realms respectfully by reciting their holy names. You will be bestowed with unexpected blessings and merits.
Why is Master Dai Hu grateful for the thunder and lightning?
Before I took refuge in the Triple Gems and started learning the Dharma, I would cover my ears in a slight state of fright whenever the thunder roared through the skies. This is my natural reaction, and not due to any guilty conscience and fear of being struck by lightning. As I progress along the path of Dharma and spiritual cultivation, and gradually merge with the heart of the Universe, I develop a different perspective towards the roar of the thunder. I begin to look forward to it, be in awe and praise it, and feel a sense of gratitude towards it. I wait in anticipation because thunder does not come regularly throughout the four seasons in a year. I am in awe because the force of the Universe is immensely astonishing and mighty. I enjoy and admire because the streak of lightning and the sound of thunder add beauty to the canvas of the night skies at the right time, playing a natural symphony. I am in gratitude because without the the wake-up call from the thunder and lightning, sentiments beings, deeply mired in desires of the body, speech and thought, would commit more sins of bad karma, setting them onto the path of no return! That is the reason for me to be thankful.
The inner essence of the thunder and lightning is unknown to the vast majority. I will leave it to the next opportune affinity to divulge more. If you are a truly virtuous person, you will surely be like me, and know how to truly admire the sound of thunder and the flash of lightning. My sleep that night was especially sweet and assuring under the company of the thunder and lightning.