從一張名片說起The Story Beginning from a Namecard
這一輩子,吾沒想過要出名。對佛法和玄學的熱忱,讓我廢寢忘食地去鑽研。但吾所鑽研的,被很多人慣例地歸為迷信。本想跑到深山隱居,就這樣過一輩子。如果不是一位老師姐說:“玳瑚啊!你不要再躲了。眾生需要你!”,又想到皈依時,根本上師說要奉法持戒 ,吾就無知地成為一位自了漢。
2008年,弟子問: “ 師父,不如我幫您設個臉書專頁?現在很多人必讀的書就是臉書!很多師父也在網上傳達佛理和玄學。可以將您的教義傳的更遠更廣,利益更多人!”
許多時候,吾會對著那手機螢幕輕聲地說“謝謝你”。 謝謝你妳的喜歡。謝謝你妳的轉發。謝謝你妳的推薦。
In this lifetime, fame has not been something which I pursue. The passion I have for Buddhism & Chinese see me delving deep into research, often foregoing my meals and sleep for it. However, there are a lot of people who habitually dismissed my passion as superstition. I thought of leading a reclusive life for the rest of my life. Had it not for a fellow Dharma sister who told me “Dai Hu! Please don’t hide anymore. The sentient beings need you!”, as well as my Root Guru’s words to uphold the precepts and the Dharma, I would have ignorantly become a recluse.
Because of their words, I decided to step out.
My first proper name card was a gift from a disciple in the year 2002. She said it would be easier to recommend me to others if I had a name card. I refused initially, but something she said touched me. “Master, You have helped me tremendously. Will you please let me do something for you?”
“Alright! Just print a few pieces will do”
“Master, I cannot print a few pieces. It has to be 3 boxes!”
In 2007, I saw the need to redesign my name card. A lot of my younger clientele do not have a competent grasp of Mandarin and cannot understand the information on my name card. Thus, a young lady client of mine offered her assistance and designed my new name card, according to my requirements, and with English & Chinese information.
A disciple asked, “Master, why does the lotus drawing in your name card have a stem? Is it not that the lotus, usually depicted in Buddhism illustrations, has no stem?”
I answered, “A lotus with a stem signifies a solid grounding, just as I diligently honed my skills over the years. I am definitely not a master that is shoddy with his work. Secondly, the stem of the lotus is to penetrate the heart of all sentient beings. I hope that my teachings will provide a breeze of purity and clarity to them, and guide them out of sufferings and to eternal bliss.”
The very first time I gave my new name card to an old client, he said “Oh, Master is getting more commercialized!”
I just smiled and kept mum. Often between people, we fall into the trap of preconceptions that eventually create misunderstandings.
In 2008, my disciple proposed, “Master, why don’t I help you create a Facebook page? Nowadays, the book that everyone read is Facebook! There are many masters propagating the Dharma and Chinese metaphysics online. You can use the Internet to spread your teachings further and wider to benefit more people!”
I refused her proposal flat down. At that time, I deemed my own writing skills as average at best and coupled with my ordinary looks, I did not think I would achieve anything online. The words of my old client added to my misgivings. Surprisingly, this disciple of mine refused to take no for an answer, and would preach to me about having an online presence every other day, with all the reasons that she could think of. My goodness! How did I end up having such a long-winded disciple? My poor ears…
In April 2012, my Facebook Page was set up. On 28th September 2013, my first article, titled “Being Trapped in the Elevator“, was posted.
This Facebook post marks the 66th article, since inception, which I have shared with my readers. Over the past year, I have made many “friends” on Facebook, both old and new. There are some whom I have never met, and there were others who found my Facebook page online after losing touch for a long time. There are Facebook friends from Singapore, Malaysia, as well as from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines and Australia. (The Internet is incredible.) Some read the articles in Mandarin, some only consumed the English ones and there are those who read both versions.
Every time there is a new “Like” or a new fan to my page, my disciple would show me the notifications with her mobile phone.
Many a time, I will gently say “Thank you” whilst looking at the screen. Thank you all for the likes. Thank you all for the shares. Thank you all for the recommendations.
My disciple asked, “Master, nowadays, what keeps you writing?”
My answer to her, “I am carrying out my promise, to propagate the Dharma and Chinese metaphysics.”
“Does the number of ‘likes’ affect you?”
“It does not cross my mind. I do what I should do, do it well and let things run its own course.”
Be it only a single reader, or many, as long as my writings can give you inner peace and relief from your troubles, I will continue to wield my pen!