永恒快樂自在的泉源The Spring of Eternal Bliss
在法會上,看到好些已經皈依的狗狗們。吾很直接為它們非常歡喜因為它們有福了,差不多要結束六道輪回了。吾看到三四種狗 – 金毛犬、北京狗、狐狸狗等等。看到它們就會微笑,吾真的為它們開心,恭喜它們
當妳你跟一切眾生合一的時候,那個時候妳你才能夠談到慈悲。而一條生命,在妳你的眼前,妳你卻不超度就吃,妳你怎麽能夠說妳你是個有慈悲心的人?妳你怎麽 能說妳你是個佛教徒呢?佛教真正在叫人家慈悲,所以一個生命在妳你面前垂死的時候,妳你還不要為她他做些什麽,那這樣的話,學佛的意義在哪裏?幫人家,其 實就是在幫自己。人家快樂,也等於自己快樂。
While I was in the Hall of the Western Trinity (Amitabha Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva), I said that I am doing the same things every single day. But how many people realize that this repetitive cycle is a display of diligence and focused meditation.
Every time I pray, I am doing it for the sentient beings. I pray that I am able to put what I have learnt into my practice of the Dharma and bring benefits to all sentient beings. I pray for their salvation and freedom from sufferings. First of all, everyone needs to sincerely repent as every single one of us brings negative karma into this birth. Even if there is no negative karma at birth, there is bound to be accumulated over the course of time.
At the puja ceremony, I saw many dogs who have also taken refuge in the Triple Gems, and I felt a direct sense of happiness for them. They had accumulated enough merits and would soon leave the six realms of rebirth, thus my smile for them. I saw about 3 or 4 different types of dogs: Golden retriever, Peking dog, Pomeranian, etc. I smiled when I saw them and felt so happy for them. Congratulations to them!
When you become one with all sentient beings, that is when you can really talk about being compassionate. If you cannot even chant a mantra to deliver the animal in front of you when you about to consume your meal, how could you tell others that you are full of compassion? How could you tell others that you are a Buddhist? The Buddha taught us true compassion, thus when a life is hanging on a thread right in front of you, how could you not lift a finger to help? That totally defeats the purpose of learning the Dharma. Helping others is actually helping yourself. When others are happy, this happiness is yours as well.