財箱的秘密The Secret of the Fortune Chest
第一次踏入位于新加坡金融中心的威斯汀大飯店 ,看到這美麗高貴的‘櫃子’,夾在電梯的中間。 一時之間,還找不到電梯的按鈕。
不需要的東西不要眷念著不放。 我有位女客人,四十來歲,卻還收著她童年時的毛绒玩具。
The first time I stepped into The Westin Singapore, nestled in the financial district, I saw this beautiful and elegant chest of drawers between the lifts. Momentarily, I could not find the button to the lift.
Drawers and boxes represent the storage of wealth. Wealthy families definitely have lots of these in their houses in one form or another. I saw similar arrangement at several major hotels and companies. Putting more of such boxes or chests at home helps the owner to accumulate wealth, but the design and colour must match the birth chart of the owner and the exact auspicious location has to be pin pointed out for placement.
On the contrary, families with financial problems also have “wealth boxes” at home – in the form of the typical Toyogo plastic boxes, paper boxes or plastic bags of stuff everywhere. Instead of directing and storing the wealth energy into their houses, they find themselves mired in debts with many obstacles to their wealth. I once went to a 3-room flat to conduct a Feng Shui audit. One quarter of the living room was filled with clutter and the boxes & bags were stacked as high as my waist. These boxes would collect dust after some time, further exacerbating the situation as it is viewed as a big NO NO in terms of geomancy.
Do not horde over those things which you do not need around the house. I have a lady client in her 40s who kept soft toys that she had since she was a little girl. She does not play with them anymore, yet allowing them to take up half a wardrobe. Clear unneeded items out fast or donate to others for more positive affinities. By doing so, not only do you accumulate merits, your house will be kept spick and span. That is killing 2 birds with one stone!
Learn to let go starting from the things around you. You held on to so many things, refusing to let go, thinking that there will be a use for those things one day. One year, two years, three years on, those things remain unused! In the end when you leave this world, you would still hanker after your possessions!