眉來眼去The Secret Behind Your Eyebrows
在一次的理髮中,與吾常用的理髮師有緣地聊上幾句。從他口中得知,這髮廊的女負責人,已「恢復」單身。吾聽了很自然的說: 「可惜啊!早點認識吾就好。」 吾指的,是那位女負責人。此話說完後,吾發現這位理髮師,似乎不明吾意。吾就告訴他,那位女負責人的「憾事」,在其臉上已有「交代」,那就是她那兩條長又帶粗的眉毛。

Photo credit: Reuter
During one of my haircut sessions, I had the affinity to chat more with my regular hairstylist. From our conversation, I got to know that the lady boss of the salon recently regained her singlehood. After I heard this news, naturally I said, “What a pity! If only we had known each other earlier.” I was referring to the lady boss. As soon as I finished my sentence, I saw the baffled look on the face of my hair stylist. I explained to him that this regrettable fate of the lady boss was already written on her face, in the form of her long and thick eyebrows.
Don’t wreak your marriage because of fashion!
Even though it is a woman’s nature to desire beauty, especially if she works at the forefront of fashion and needs to keep up with the trends, it would be very unwise to wreak her own marriage and happiness because of this. You need to know that it is not an easy road for a relationship to blossom into a family unit, and there is absolutely no reason to destroy it, for the sake of keeping up with the ever-changing fashion and trends.
If you still pine for love and romance, please do not follow the crowd and tattoo a Korean-style eye brow, just like the cartoon character Shin-Chan! If your eyebrows are of that shape, you better be prepared to stay a singleton, or even a single mother! If you think that you do not mind this scenario, then please ask yourself again if you are prepared to lose even more because the eyebrows do not only indicate your romance luck!
The massive influence of a pair of good eyebrows
Ha ha ha! Are you having a change of heart now? Beside the matter of romance, your eyebrows hold a huge influence over your marriage, benefactor luck, entrepreneurial ventures, network, family relations, etc. The best shape for a female’s eye brows is that of a beautiful willow (softly rounded). Following fashion and trends willfully often translates into outcomes, which will leave you in regret! Please exercise caution! Beautiful, neat and graceful-looking brows can compensate for the imperfection in your five main facial features. When you walk on the street, the same eyebrows are going to attract loving glances of admiration, cast your way by passerbys.