通往佛國的音律The Rhythm To Access The Land of Buddhas

It is a common for Buddhists and spiritual practitioners to be associated with sutras and mantras. If you have yet to take refuge in the Triple Gem, you cannot recite the sutra or mantra which you pick up from puja events, temples or the Internet. Why is that so? Because this would equate to stealing of the Dharma, and that is of course not in accordance with the Dharma. Not only will you sin, there will be no effect or merit generated from reciting the sutra or chanting the mantra. Using this analogy: if you are fond of studies, but did not enroll into a school proper, you will be barred from entering the classroom and be a student formally. Even if you stand outside the classroom, and eavesdrop on the teacher teaching the class, no one would administer examinations nor confer any certificate upon you. What you have secretly learned cannot be validated and is of no use in the end!
The secret methodology to reciting sutra & mantra
Actually there is a rhythm and beat to follow when one is reciting the sutra or chanting the mantra. This rhythm and beat is to uphold the sutra or mantra in high esteem, and serve to regulate your breathing and clear your Qi channels. As you recite the sutra or chant the mantra, the sounds enter your ears, and impress upon your heart. This method of spiritual cultivation easily puts a stop to distracting thoughts, and effortlessly alleviates you to a state of Dharma bliss and joy, allowing your mind to stay focused and eventually into meditative stillness. In such a way, the merits from your practice shall be complete. Had I not written this passage on the correct practice of sutra recitation and mantra chanting, I believe many Buddhists would not attain any level of accomplishment even after 10 years of practice. This method is priceless, and cannot be bought with thousands taels of gold! You are fortunate to know this today, and ought to put it into diligent practice. If you do so, your accomplishment shall not be far away.
How to get a direct pass to the Pureland after death
What kind of place exactly is the Land of the Buddhas? It is a place with eternal bliss and purity, a place fitted to be named the Land for the Enlightened, the Land of Everlasting Bliss. How can we reach this place of such high nobility? First and foremost, we must identify and take refuge in an accomplished master, and seek the Dharma from Him, abide by the precepts and practice diligently before we can arrive at the Land of the Buddhas. This seems to be quite a tall order, but that is precisely why it is so precious! A diligent practice can be described using this analogy: When you take a piece of old clothing covered with a thick layer of dust to the laundry, it is totally transformed into a clean and new clothing. What about abiding by the precepts? It is akin to washing that same piece of clothing regularly to keep it clean and new. Keep up this practice until the end of your life, and you will ascend to the Buddha’s Paradise.
There was an old lady who recited the Buddha’s Name every day. You might be in awe of her diligence, and think that she is the perfect role model for learning the Dharma. However, things are not what they seem to be. She may be reciting the Buddha’s Name daily, but as she recited, she also grumbled about her husband and daughter-in-law. Until one day when the thunderstorm arrived, a sudden jolt of thunder frightened the old lady, and she shouted out the Buddha’s Name in all sincerity before taking her last breath. When the King of Hades weighed her chanting beads, there was only one bead with sufficient merit. If she had known the “rhythm” to directly access the Buddha’s Paradise, she would not have to suffer at the Netherworld, but instead gain the instant pass to the Land of the Buddhas!

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Feng Shui of Hello Kitty Cafe Singapore