隱士的能力The Prowess of A Recluse
That year when my affinity with the Dharma came to fruition, a compassionate arrangement by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas saw me retreating to the Northern region to cultivate in tranquility. When I was there, I spared no effort in my spiritual cultivation and Chinese Metaphysics studies. To live up to the name of a good Master who has genuine abilities to benefit all sentient beings, I set cultivation goals to be achieved within a limited time frame. In order to widen my reach and propagate the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics, I had open house sessions every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between 8pm-10pm, for consultations. There was no fixed rate charged and people could pay any amount they wished.
Truth is, at that time, I already wished to become a recluse, living incognito while making full use of my prowess to help sentient beings, with no wish for anything in return. And when the time is right, I shall return to the Void in a pure and pristine state of ease. Alas, my secular affinity is deep, and in this life, I have made a serious vow to propagate the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics, deliver sentient beings and achieve Enlightenment, as well as to lead sentient beings towards Enlightenment. A vow like this is no trivial matter, so how could I not be relentlessly diligent in this life?
At times my body suffers from ailments, and at other times, the body is thoroughly exhausted but I would neither dare nor wish to share this with another person. I only want to give sentient beings hope and can not bear to disappoint them. Once I joked with a couple of my disciples and students that I got the best sleep whenever I fell ill. There is not many 10 years in a lifetime. It is imperative to embark on spiritual cultivation early in life and work towards removing all the karmic obstacles accumulated from past lifetimes. Even if you are unable to ascend to the Heavens at the end of this journey, you can pray to bid this life voyage farewell in a peaceful and painless way.
In my many years of semi-recluse in my “Lotus Palace”, I have handled countless calls for help and assistance. Some calls were during the daytime while some came in during the wee hours. No wonder they say it is never good news when the phone rings in the middle of the night. I am a man in recluse, and I am even more of a spiritual cultivator. Regardless of day or night, if you have the affinity to be able to find me, you will surely witness the prowess of the recluse.

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When All is Quiet In The Dead of Night