最苦的人The Person With The Most Sufferings
In your eyes, what kind of person do you think go through the most sufferings? Will he be someone who is paralyzed? Or blind? Or homeless? Or physically disabled? Or penniless? Or jobless? Or one with a below average appearance? Or…? In my opinion, none of the above. I feel that the person who suffers the most is one who chooses a path of self-destruction, despite having someone by his or her side, painstakingly, trying to provide a guiding light.
In this world, things often do not go our way, and it is only natural. However, at the juncture where you seemed to have hit an impasse, there is someone who has the ability and the willingness to guide you and turn things around, making it all worthwhile!
Everyone of us should hold ourselves responsible for our own destiny. Should you have the good fortune to meet this person who can, unconditionally, lead you out of the long and windy road, will not it be a joyous thing? Furthermore, it will be down to divine luck in order for you to meet him or her, and you should try your very best to preserve this precious affinity, for he is so rare!

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