‘八’運當頭The period of 8
這八運由八白星掌管 ,是個大財星。此星所到的方位,號为当时得令。懂得如何
在新加坡,已有3大購物中心將這‘8 ’字運用在它們的商標裏,連來自香港的堡獅龍也不甘示弱
Can you see the “8” in the photos?
Over centuries, past ancient masters have observed the movement of our planet and the stars and discovered a trending pattern every 20 years. Every 20 years, our planet Earth undergoes a shift in energy. Since Year 2004, we have already stepped into a new 20-year cycle, known as the Period of Eight, which will carry us through to 2023.
The Period of 8 is governed by the 8 Prosperity Star, which brings great wealth. The sector that the star flies to is known to be the most in luck. If you know how to activate this 8 Prosperity Star, it will bring you wealth and consequently an easier and more comfortable life. The number 8 in Chinese culture signifies ‘strike it rich’, and in the Period of 8, it has evolved to be the most auspicious number. Interestingly, the number 8 written horizontally, ‘∞’, means infinite and boundless.
In Singapore, 3 big shopping malls have been using ‘8’ in their logos. Even Bossini from Hong Kong seemed to have jumped on the bandwagon. My personal favourite is the logo of NEX shopping mall. It uses complementary elemental colours and the character ‘X’ was cleverly extended to form a chain of ‘8’. The logo of Centrepoint may have incorporated ‘8’ in a subtle manner but the ‘8’ is topsy turvy and does not connect together. The favorable colors for the number 8 are red, orange and purple. If Bossini designed its logo with the intention of putting an ‘8’ in it, its white colour, however, failed to give the strength required to activate the energy of ‘8’.
But a precautionary note for all: not all who use the number 8 will have the same positive effect. It has to complement your personal birth chart for the best results.
We are at the halfway mark into the Period of 8. The world will continue to witness the emergence of more young male millionaires, especially from China and the Middle East. Information technology will continue to scale new peaks and more mega screens will be sprouting up on our buildings.
Come Year 2024 when our planet enters the period of 9, the digital age will hit a new unimaginable crescendo.