妳你輸的是妳你自己The Only Loser Is Yourself
可以說,這些人都敗在、輸在、死在,自己的思想裡. 因她他們皆把面子及一個「我」字,看得比什麼都大,最終將自己推進,永遠痛苦、無助及絕望的深淵裡,求出無期。一失足成千古恨,悲哉啊!悲哉!
As the Chinese saying goes, “The same rice grain raises a hundred genres of human beings.” Indeed, it takes all sorts to make a world. Till date, I sometime do encounter the “alternative” group of people who possess unconventional mindset, behaviour, speech and way of handling inter-personal relationships. Some are like that due to fear of being ridiculed, while others are being influenced by the company they keep. Some are born with such a nature and there are those who are…I am able to tolerate them with compassion, but given a choice, I would prefer the conventional type of folks.
The Harmful Values of the New Generation
These people of the alternative kind have radically different values that often reduced what was originally pure and moral of humanity into something twisted and warped. Because of this, many loving families have lost their warmth and comfort and the order of our society is getting unstable. The moral and peaceful societal norms are degenerating with each passing day. With such phenomenon, mankind is self destructing. How could the selfish you continue to encourage such warped culture and bring harm to yourself and the people around you?
I had, in the middle of the night, handled a few cases of families, marriage and relationships that were on the verge of breaking up. I would like to thank those involved for the trust they gave me, as well as the “assignments” in the wee hours. I am sure now you would have understood the reason for my trim figure! Quarrels between lovers, married couples not seeing eye to eye, as these tiffs become more intense, and not one party is willing admit that he or she is wrong and apologize, the ending is often a break-up, separation or divorce. If not, it will create a crack between them in the relationship and, when not mended in time, would surely lead to an eventual separation.
The Biggest Problem Of Worthless Pride
You could say that these people are self-destroyed by their own mentality. They are consumed by their pride and self-attachment and ultimately paid the price: an abyss of eternal sufferings, helplessness and hopelessness, with no chance of salvation. A missed step results in eternal regrets. How sad!
You could have a great life with bliss, happiness and freedom from suffering, if not for the worthless pride and self-attachment that you grasp on so tightly. In the end, you lose to your own self!