投奔黑暗的人The Ones Who Deflect to Darkness
有位八字被吾「驗出」有大出血的婦女,果真在其生產第三胎的時候,大量出血,在危難中以七包血,僥倖從鬼門關回來,經過一番調養後,她再次的找吾為她服 務,吾也苦口婆心、耐心清楚地,再為她開示,為何她有如此之遭遇,以及未來她必被,她所謂的幸福,推向不堪設想的境地,為她大設方便之門,好讓她在下個劫數到來之前,能夠安然度過。看來吾天真的個性還未泯,一時忘記好了瘡疤忘了痛,以及,破的碗,就算吾再怎麼地添加法乳,這破碗始終有漏的。這樣的人其未來 必定悲慘,更何況她身邊圍繞著的,大多都是前世債主!唉唷唷!實在太恐怖了。
一位擁有四位千金的少婦因友人介紹,到來參加「以茶會友」,之後找吾為其批大運。吾也免費為其四位千金測名,還有指點其目前所居之陽宅風水。原本吾並不想 「拔筆相助」的,她的面相,姓名及居家風水,在在顯示其福份的次地已到了瓶頸。吾若不大力相助,後果真不敢設想。可惜她固執成性,好些部分並沒有速速進 行。
When talk of darkness arises, most people would inevitably have some bad connotations, such as an impending disaster, the arrival of death and deprivation of hope, etc. However, there exist quite a number of “inexplicable” people in this world who allow themselves to be devoured by darkness. When they find themselves in utter sufferings and despair, feeling helpless and isolated, there is already no way out!
There was this lady whom I predicted would experience heavy bleeding from analyzing her birth chart. Indeed, whilst she was delivering her third child, she lost a huge amount of blood in the process and needed a blood transfusion of 7 bags of blood, before miraculously escaping death. After recuperating for some time, she came back to seek my advice. I took great pains to patiently explain to her the Dharma so that she understood why she had to go through such adversity. I also reminded her that she would be pushed towards more unimaginable despair and sufferings, by living in this supposed happiness of hers. I opened the way for her, hoping to help her get through the next calamity safely. Alas, I am too naive for my own good, and forgot that most people will forget the pains suffered, once their wounds have healed. I should have known that no matter how much I try to fill a broken bowl with milk, it would still leak. I fear only a bleak and terrifying future awaits such people. Furthermore, she is surrounded by her karmic debtors from her past lives. How terrifying!
A young lady, with four daughters, got to know me through her friend and came to attend one of my Tea Sessions. She engaged me to analyze her luck cycles, and I gave her a free name analysis of her four daughters. In addition, I gave her some tips regarding the Feng Shui of her residence. Originally, I did not intend to help her as it was obvious from her facial features, name, as well as the Feng Shui of her house, that she was at a bottleneck due to insufficient merits in this life. If I did not lift my pen and render my help, her future would have been of dire straits. It is a pity that she is too obstinate to act quickly on my advice.
It is already a life fraught with sufferings, why plunge yourself into the sea of darkness upon death?

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