最高明的投資家The Most Brilliant Investor
這八個字對於我們的一生,實在太重要了。 若妳你願意的話,交由「最高明」的投資家為妳你代勞吧!
Too many people have not got a clue about investment. In truth, Master Dai Hu has not got a clear idea about it as well. Ha ha ha…! Be calm, be calm. Although Master Dai Hu is not skilled at investing, I do know the secret codes to successful investments, and these secret codes shall enable investors to achieve success with ease and fly the flag of victory. Thus I say, Master Dai Hu is the most brilliant investor.
Each and every person has his or her own investment preference. Some like to invest in cars, while others in properties. Some like to put their monies in wines and others, in food. There are people who invest in lotteries while others, in the stock market. And there are people who invest in romance etc. Of all the above, investing in romantic affairs is the most heartless. If you do not agree with me, wait till you get your heart broken and you will understand why I say so. Ha ha ha….
There is inherent risk in all investments. In this material world, the people beside you, your investment partners and those who manage your investment actually pose the greatest risk to you. The next on the list of risk factors go to your choice of investment, as well as your daily life routines like where, what and when you Rise, Reside, Drink, Eat, Move, Stay, Sit and Sleep. If you think that these activities are just, well, normal routines, you are dead wrong and this will lead to your failure. But it is alright, you are fortunate to read this article and if you follow the advice, you can still count yourself lucky.
Rise, refers to the time you wake up everyday.
Reside, refers to your residence.
Drink, refers to the fluids you consume.
Eat, refers to the food you take in.
Move, refers to your mode of transport.
Stay, refers to your living environment.
Sit, refers to the place and position of your work or study desk.
Sleep, refers to the position of your bed.
These eight words have a significant impact on our lives. If you oblige, let the most brilliant investor give you his advice!

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