沒有命運的人The Man With No Destiny

In the past 20 years as a Master, I have come to the true understanding that the vast majority of people do wish to know the fortunes of their entire lives. Why is that so? Well, it has all to do with their karmic affinities. Take religion as an example, a person may appear to be very pious, but in truth, it is the fruit of an affinity borne from his many past lives. However, there always exists a possibility of change, and this phenomena is the main core of the I Ching, or the Book of Changes.
How do we decipher Destiny?
An accomplished Metaphysics Master can easily see through us. How can he do that, one might ask. When God created Man, He left traces of Man’s destiny in his body: the bones, facial features, palm lines and birth chart. Therefore, the accomplished Master is able to identify these clues to decipher one’s destiny code, and point us in the right direction. It is definitely not an easy task to master this body of wisdom. In addition to having the aptitude and gift for it, one must be prepared to work very hard and develop a virtuous disposition.
When there is destiny, there is no freedom
When a person does not have sufficient merits to encounter an accomplished Master, his life will naturally be dictated by his destiny, not by his self will. That is because the typical person does not cultivate himself spiritually, and goes through the endless cycles of life and death, reaping the fruits which he had sowed the seeds previously, in an unaware state of consciousness. He will experience happiness, rage, sadness and joy in a lifetime, before suffering yet another cycle of rebirth. You are trapped in this endless cycle of life and death, your path fully dictated by your destiny, and not your own free will. A person who is chained to his destiny can never be completely free. A person controlled by Destiny will never have true freedom. Do you understand my point?
Master Dai Hu is full of awe and praise of those people with no destiny. I look forward to attain such accomplishment. Through daily diligent and honest practice of the Dharma, I am gradually unlocking the chains of destiny on me, and I believe I shall be able to return to Emptiness very soon in the future. In truth, you only have to attain Perfection in your spiritual cultivation to free yourself from Destiny. When that happens, you will be in a state of bliss whether you return to the Void or not. The existence of destiny brings about life and death, and there shall be limitations set forth by time and form. There is still no escape from sufferings and more sufferings. If you think you possess the wisdom, who would you choose to be: the man with destiny, or the one without?

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The Fortune Right In Front of Your Eyes