真正懂得投資的人The Man Who Truly Knows Investment
I am a meta-physicist. The places I go are where I know I can harvest good fortune.
From a Feng Shui’s perspective, the outlook of Taipei 101 is like the Scholastic Pagoda. I observed that the Feng Shui formations deployed in this building will enrich it for the next 50 years at the very least. I brought my students here yesterday to enhance their wisdom.
Places that I go to and the food that I consume, are all in alignment with the requirements of my birth chart.
Some people are obstinate and obsessed with their own opinions, preferring to go with their feelings and gut feel. Later on, it turned out that they were wrong to trust their ‘gut feel’. These are people who have no grip on their own destinies.
What we do or eat should be based on our individual birth charts. This way, the only direction your personal fortune indicator can go is definitely upwards.
Why do you suffer so much defeat in life? That is simply because you spent too much time following your feelings and making wrong decisions. People in general have no idea about the hidden secrets in their destinies. Many a time, their thoughts are just but a manifestation of their unstable emotions, which ultimately led them down the wrong road.

Now is the Time to Cultivate your Merits and Morals Next Post »
From A Disbeliever to an advocate