星巴克的商標The Logo of Starbucks
一個商標, 對一間公司的運起著很大的影響力。 從商標所產生的靈動力能看的出哪一個品牌會是它領域的佼
以玄學的角度來判, 星巴克就有一個很成功的商標。 商標中的女王代表權威至上,而這女王的樣貌有如位雙十年
星巴克在新加坡有100間分店, 全球有超過18000間咖啡座。 能夠如此,可見星巴克的老闆前世必是大佈施家。 想要擁有這樣的成績,其他的品牌需要大刀闊斧,不要墨守
A logo exerts a very great influence over a company’s fortune. The energy generated by the logo determines if the company can be the leading brand in its industry.
From a metaphysics viewpoint, Starbucks is one brand that has a very successful logo. The queen in the logo dons a crown, signifying the powerful authority Starbucks has. Looking like a twenty-year old young woman, the siren exudes very strong attraction and love qualities, pulling in the crowds for Starbucks. The star in the middle of her crown symbolizes the fame that Starbucks will have.
Till date, Starbucks has 100 stores in Singapore and 18000 stores worldwide. Judging from this achievement, the bosses must have done a significant amount of ‘dana’ in their previous lives.
Competing brands cannot be a stick in the mud, if they wish to level up the playing field with Starbucks. In this fast changing generation, bold & decisive decisions has to be made fast to pander to the ever changing consumers’ tastes.