王The King
佛法殊勝之處,就是能夠圓滿我們想稱王的心念,滅除奴隸感、卑下感,真真正正的平等。大聖佛陀說:「天上地下,唯我獨尊。」 這不是傲,這不是狂。因為與道合一者,就是大,就是聖。每天精進老老實實的修持佛法、發菩提心、懺悔、佈施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定、智慧,再勤修子母光明會,就能成就天上地下,唯我獨尊。香格里拉南無白蓮花王,過去世也是如此修來。除了吾之根本傳承上師,南無蓮生活佛及大聖佛陀,祂也是吾心中的王。

I made a recent trip to Hong Kong to attend a grand puja ceremony, presided by my Root Guru, the supreme Dharma King, Living Buddha Lian Sheng.
The grand puja was held for obstacle eradication ,illness recovery, prayer blessings and bardo deliverance. This was also the first time that the Dharma practice of the White Lotus King, from Shangri-La, was being transmitted anywhere in the world.
The night prior to this event, I only had a two-hour shut-eye. Throughout my sleep, the White Lotus King kept appearing. This goes to show that He has a domineering influence of power & prestige. I had this initial worry that I might not make it to the event and miss the extremely revered initiation. It was the chance of a lifetime. But the Bodhisattva knew my thoughts indeed. His appearance in my sleep gave me all the assurance that things would go as planned, that I would receive His initiation without a hitch and in turn, return home to bestow auspiciousness and blessings onto all of you. This also demonstrated my great Dharma affinity with the White Lotus King!
Tears of hardship behind the mortal kings
My role in this lifetime is a propagator of the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics. Reading countless people had me realized that there are many people who harboured a desire deep in their hearts to be recognized as a King. This desire is not restricted to either gender or age. There are some grandpas and grannies who still wish to be King! A pity they might be too advanced in age to realize their dream.
You cannot force your way in life. Even if you may have gotten your wish by force, you will not command any respect. If you really desire to be the king, a better way would be to learn the Dharma. Why do I say that? The reason is simple. Look back in history, or take a look at our present times. The kings, the queens, the prime ministers, the presidents, the premiers or the chairmen, which one of them is truly happy, carefree and able to act as he/she wishes?
The answer is none. Not even one. In the course of their lifespans, their bodies and minds never get to have peace and stability. Even when they do, it comes in snippets and never last. Some of them even got thrown into jail! Happiness or sorrow? It is clear for all to see.
The True Foremost Honoured King
The Buddhadharma is extraordinary and admirable because it fulfills our yearning to be the king, extinguish the feelings of slavery and lowliness in us, and propels us towards true equality. The sagely Lord Buddha said, “I am Chief of the World, Eldest am I in the World, Foremost am I in the World. ” This is not arrogance or madness. If you are One with the Way, you are supreme. You are holy. To attain such accomplishment, you must place tremendous and honest effort, daily and consistently, in the practice of bodhicitta, repentance, giving, precept adherence, forbearance, diligence, meditative concentration and transcendental wisdom. In addition, you must cultivate on the union of the Child-Light and Mother-Light. The White Lotus King from the Shangri-la had also followed this path of spiritual cultivation in His past lives. Beside my Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng and the sagely Lord Buddha, the White Lotus King is also the true King in my heart.

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