鄉間男孩The Kampong Boy
若妳你是吾忠實的讀者或粉絲,妳你一定記得吾在「登山觀浮雲」的文章中,已顯露了吾與世無爭、好山好水、喜修佛道、喜研五術、快樂自在的性格應該是天性才對。吾不算是鄉間男孩,吾也從未住過柑榜。寫這篇文章, 文章題名為「鄉間男孩」,意指純樸中的快樂與自在。
難道快樂與自在祇能在純樸中得之嗎?有句話說得好,近朱者赤,近墨者黑。又;孟母為何要三遷,其理也在此。每個人都想過著無憂無慮的生活與輕鬆安逸的日 子。可是,她他們卻沒有「自製」的能力,在多「想」及多「要」的強力下,妄想顛倒認不清實相與幻相,自給自己壓力,間中將原本所有的快樂及幸福親手摧滅, 真是「陰功」(廣東話)啊!
鄉間男孩或許「土」一些,但是他們臉上的陽光般的笑容,豈是鄉間以外所能常見的。事實上,也有很多公司與機構都有給於其所屬的員工,到度假村或海外鬆懈身 及「充電」。為何有這需要?因為壓力。妳你若不能保有純樸,壓力就祇會增,而不會減。妳你若不信,妳你大可以馬上做「實驗」,「實驗」的結果,妳你定會認 同吾所說的乃千真萬確。
人生本來就可快樂,何苦去追尋那些快速,讓自己老化、煩惱、不快樂的事物呢?鄉間男孩住的雖然不是花園洋房、高級公寓,吃的不是山珍海味,穿的不是綾羅綢 緞,代步工具也可以能是僅僅一部腳踏車,但這並不表示他沒能力供養父母,沒能力養妻活兒,他保有純樸,乃因他深知純樸乃快樂之本。
If you are a faithful reader and fan of my writings, you will surely remember my old article titled “Watching the Clouds From the Mountains”, in which I revealed the side of me who prefer a secluded life, away from worldly entanglements. I love being with Mother Nature, and enjoy cultivating Dharma practices and researching on Chinese Metaphysics. I am a happy and peace-loving person by nature. I do not consider myself a “kampong” boy. Neither have I lived in a “kampong” (Malay word for village) before in my life. This article is titled “The Kampong Boy” to express the bliss and freedom that come naturally with a simple and honest life.
Are bliss and happiness only achievable with a such a lifestyle? There is a Chinese saying that goes “One who stays near vermilion gets stained red, and one who stays near ink gets stained black”. And there is the story of “Why the mother of Mencius relocate thrice”. Everyone wishes for a relaxing life that is free from worries. However, a lot of people are unable to control themselves, and under the strong pull of their many cravings and desires, they get deluded and lose the ability to distinguish the truth from the illusion, creating immense pressure for themselves. In the process, they destroy the very source of happiness and bliss in themselves. How pitiful!
The kampong boy may be somewhat old-fashioned, but the sunny and warm smile on his face is not one that you can see beyond the village. In fact, many companies and organizations send their staff on retreats at holiday chalets and seaside resorts to relax and recharge. Why is there such a need? Because of the huge pressure at the workplace. If you cannot hold on to your simplicity and honesty, the pressure will only increase and get to you eventually. If you do not believe, you can do an experiment for yourself, and you will find that the result could not be further away from what I have said.
Your life could have been a bliss. Why do you chase after the things that will make you age faster, worry more and unhappier? The kampong boy does not have a luxurious abode like a bungalow with a garden, or a high-end condominium, or feast on delicacies. Nor is he decked in luxurious silk and expensive clothing. His mode of transport might well be a simple bicycle. Despite all these, he still has the ability to support his parents, wife and children. He perseveres with his simplicity and honesty because he knows deep inside him that these are the true source of happiness and bliss.
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