愚孝愚愛The Ignorance of Fillial Piety and Love
大多為人父母的客人找吾,為自己或她他們的子女批大運或流年時,均向吾「開門見山」地要求希望吾能大力幫助,圓滿她他們們對於子女的期望與厚望。天下父母 望子成龍,望女成鳳,是無可厚非的。但成了龍成了鳳後,她他們卻傲氣逼人、目中無人,自私自利、有進無出、對國家對社會毫無貢獻、將年邁父母送進養老院, 祇是為了要和妻子或老公,過二人世界,等等。這樣的愛給於令千金令公子,是有欠妥當的。這種愛謂之愚愛啊!
成龍成鳳固然好,但若將之與忠、孝、義、悌、禮、儀、廉、恥,這八德來比較顯然尊卑立判啊!倘若妳你告訴吾普天下這樣子的人難覓,吾就實實在在地回覆妳 你,就是萬中有一,才叫做尊貴啊!我們上一代所做的錯就不該也不願讓下一代繼續地錯下去,反而還得將正確的價值觀傳承於她他們,使她他們一生順遂與欣榮, 這樣就是真愛、正愛。
很多爲人子女者,認為賺多一點錢,帶父母去旅行、給父母住更大間的房子、帶父母上高級餐館用餐,等等,就是孝順。吾則認為那是愚孝的範圍罷了。且讓吾分析 給妳你們聽及看。每個國家都有其特定五行,倘若妳你帶父母去的國家,五行爲妳你父母八字中的忌神,旅途中會發生意外、食物中毒、回來不祇不能達到鬆懈身心 的效果,反而生病破財,請問這是否是明智之舉?
Many clients, who are parents, engage my services to analyze the luck cycles of their children and themselves. They are frank about seeking my help to realize their high hopes in their children. It is natural that all parents in this world hope that their children have a bright future. But once the children achieve success in life, they become arrogant, disrespectful, self-centered, stingy and give no contribution to the society and the country. They would send their aged parents to the old folks’ home, just so that they can enjoy a life with only their spouses etc. Such is the inappropriate love to shower upon your children, because it is just foolish love.
It might be very pleasing for the parents to see their child excelling in life. However, if you compare a child having external achievements with another child possessing the 8 virtues of loyalty, filial piety, integrity, brotherhood, manners, etiquette, righteousness and sense of shame, it is immediately obvious who stands out. If you tell me that such virtues are almost impossible to find in a person in this world, I will tell you frankly that precisely of its rarity that it deserves the utmost honor and respect! Just because the last generation has committed wrongs does not mean the next generation should and must repeat the same mistakes. Instead, we need to pass down the right moral values to our next generation, so that they will have a smooth and prosperous passage in life. This is the true and right love to give our children.
Many children feel that by earning more money and being able to afford more holidays, a bigger house, and more meals at expensive restaurants for their parents, etc, they are being filial. I personally feel that this is a very ignorant form of filial piety. Let me share my analysis with you. Every country in the world has their elemental inclination (the 5 elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth). Should you bring your parents to a particular country whose elemental sign clashes with that of your parents’, misfortune is likely to happen during the trip, like accidents and food poisoning. Instead of having a nice holiday to relax your body and soul, you end up sick and losing money. Please tell me, is this a wise move after all?
After enduring a 10-month pregnancy and the pain of child birth, our parents still have to take care of our meals, shelter, sanitary needs and well-being. When they become aged, we are still by their sides, taking care of their needs and sharing the Dharma with them. We want to prepare them with the knowledge of their destination after death, so that they have ample time to ‘build’ their next home in another world. This is real filial piety, one that is honoured by the Heaven and the Earth, one that is noble and right rather than ignorant and blind.
Photo: Mindful