你準備好盡大孝嗎?The Greatest Form of Filial Piety
不要以為每個月給予父母錢就是很孝順了。 釋迦佛曾說:「 世上有不死之人嗎? 在哪裏?」 當父母離開人世的時候, 除了悲痛地哭泣以外,你有能力盡大孝嗎? 你已準備好了嗎?
”我父親在2014年3月8日在外突然暴斃。 我們家人趕往醫院時,醫生雖極力搶救,但已來不及了。
玳瑚師父介紹我買的 《臨終關懷 – 黃金八小時》, 我曾認真地閲讀過,也觀看了附送的DVD, 對於幫亡者助念一事,已有個概念。 之前,我也多次參加玳瑚師父帶領的同修,所以已熟悉唸經
父親走的突然,他生前,我並沒有跟他說過佛法。 我依我所學的, 在我亡父身旁獨自助念了1個小時多,不斷地告訴他勿跟隨
I like browsing the bookstore to buy Buddhist books. Many times, I have brought along some clients and helped them select Buddhist books, according to their learning abilities and affinities. It is my wish that the act of buying a Buddhist book will increase their good thoughts. With good thoughts, they can enter the world of Buddhadharma. With the wisdom gained from the Dharma, they can be set free from their afflictions.
Man is a supreme animal, so it is only right that we have the supreme wisdom to understand how to achieve liberation in this very lifetime.
Last year, for the first time, I brought a long-time client, Mr Loke Guan Ting, to Kinokuniya Book Store. From the books on the shelves, I picked out “Hospice Care – The Golden Eight Hours” and reminded him to read the book.
Do not think that by giving your parents a monthly allowance means you are filial. Shakyamuni Buddha once said, “Is there one who will never die in this world? Where is he?” When it is time for your parents to leave this world, apart from crying painfully, think about if you have the ability to fulfill the greatest form of filial piety. Are you ready to do so?
Thank you to Mr Loke Guan Ting for his selfless sharing of his personal experience here:
“My father had a sudden death while outside on 8 March 2014. By the time we rushed to the hospital, the doctors were unable to revive him despite their best efforts.
I had read thoroughly the book “Hospice Care – The Golden Eight Hours”, which Master Dai Hu recommended me to buy. I had also watched the accompanying DVD and gained a better understanding of helping to chant for the deceased. Previously, I had also participated in several cultivation sessions led by Master Dai Hu and hence, was familiar with chanting sutras & mantras.
My father’s death was unexpected and I did not have the chance to speak the Dharma to him. I applied what I had learnt and sat beside his dead body, chanting for him and guiding his soul to refrain from following the ancestors’ spirits but to instead wait for Amitabha Buddha or Guan Yin Bodhisattva to arrive and follow them to the Pureland. Due to the regulations of the hospital, I only chanted for an hour plus instead of the full 8 hours. But I had helped him took refuge and will help my father to register for deliverance pujas and perform more meritorious deeds during this 49 days of his death. May he gain sufficient merits to ascend to the Pureland.”
Dedicating the merits of sharing this personal experience by Mr Loke to his late father, Mr Loke Qing He. May his negative karma be eradicated, virtuous merits be gained and may he be reborn in the Pureland soon. Amituofo.