大財王The Great King Of Wealth
I have an endless stream of students, coming to learn the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics. To put it in layman terms, it is “roaring business” for me. There is always an affinity arising for every thing that happen in your life. Likewise for the people that come in and out of your life, these affinities are ever changing in any time and space. Herein lies the magnificence of the Dharma, illustrating clearly the transient nature of affinity and that we should remain pure and at ease as the lotus, which thrives in the bed of filthy mud.
Signs of a person who is impure and not at ease
How do I define pureness? A person who is frequently suspicious all the time, carries wild thoughts, feels discontentment, etc, is not one of pureness. Let me tell you something, such a problematic person is often accompanied by many spirits in and around him.
How do I define being at ease? A person who often makes excuse for his inaction is not one who is at ease. Take an example, Master Dai Hu advises you to take some spicy food, but you reject his advice with reasons such as “my tongue cannot take it”. This is the trait of a person who is unable to change his own destiny and be in complete ease. If you are a person who likes to talk and comment a lot, you will suffer the consequences of problems with your tongue. Between a life of suffering and hardship, and one with better fortunes, the choice is yours whether to take my advice or not.
Why Master Dai Hu is the Great King of Wealth
Master Dai Hu had made a great vow in front of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. I did not think much of it when I was younger, but as the years rolled by, I am becoming afraid. Ha ha ha! There is no need to be scared, as long as you cultivate diligently and actualize your practice in daily life, adhering to the precepts. Therefore, I extend love and concern to all men and women who come before me, regardless of their nationality, race, wealth, health, appearance, virtues, etc, and give them my care and empowerment with my great abilities.
Everyday, Master Dai Hu calls out to the Wealth Gods in the Universe. This forms part of my daily spiritual practice of Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, Unselfish Giving.
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness; this is immeasurable loving kindness.
May all beings be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering; this is immeasurable compassion
May all beings be free of suffering and always stay happy; this is immeasurable joy.
May all beings be free of grasping and aversion towards others and develop faith in the equality of all who live; this is immeasurable equanimity.
I had begun this important practice for merits accumulation way before I became a Master. Therefore, I am able to bestow wealth, fortune, bliss and auspiciousness upon those with whom I have the affinity. That is why I say I am the Great King of Wealth.