眼前的財富The Fortune Right In Front of Your Eyes
文:林徑安先生 Written by: Mr Lester Lim
我和玳瑚師父接觸了無數次,從他幫我勘察居家風水,甚至於跟我的「一對一義診」的時段,我無一刻是不被他「為之傾倒」與敬佩。 當然,我每次也都抄下不少的筆記,跟師父學了不少關於佛法與風水玄學的奧妙。
因為平時也沒買萬字票 (4D)的習慣,所以當時的我也不以為意,就想說有空才去買來「玩玩」吧。上個星期,我又有幸地和玳瑚師父一起用餐,而師父又提起了我應該去買我的門牌之事。我想想,師父不止一次提起這件事,如果我還不行動,更待何時?
因此,我就到了Singapore Pools 買了我的門牌號碼,而且一次過買了6期。我也只買了一期$1,想說小賭怡情嘛。殊不知,此門牌號碼在星期三(8月31日)-也就是我買的6期的第一期就開獎了。因為是入圍獎,而我也只下注$1, 所以贏取的金額是$250。
我希望不管你們有什麼背景,只要有緣能和玳瑚師父見面,都保持一份謙卑和敬重的心和師父交談。因為如果師父能在百忙之中,抽出時間和你見面,那也是你的福份,要好好珍惜並向他虛心學習 – 「向善向上」

I have met Master Dai Hu numerous times, from him consulting on my home Feng Shui, to our 1-to-1 “treatment sessions”, he has never failed to mesmerize me, and got me to respect him a lot. Of course, I have also learnt a lot about the power of Feng Shui and Metaphysics every single session with him (proven with my pile of notes taken).
Master Dai Hu’s lucky tip for me
It’s obvious that Master Dai Hu has been really magnanimous in his teachings to all. His predictions also made my family and I utterly impressed. Let me just quote you a very recent example.
I still remember the very first time Master Dai Hu came to my place for Home Feng Shui consultation, and told me: “Lester, do you have a habit of buying 4D of your house unit number? Remember this set of numbers is good for you, worth placing some bets”.
The winnings that I almost missed!
Not having a habit to buy 4D anyway, I was thinking at that point of time that maybe I would just buy for fun as and when I’m free and didn’t think too much about it. Just last week, I was very fortunate to have a meal together with Master Dai Hu, and he mentioned again that I should place some bets on my house unit number. That was the point when I thought: It’s not the first time he mentioned this, if not now, then when?!
Hence, I went to Singapore Pools and placed a $1 bet on my house unit number, for a consecutive 6 days – thinking to just “try my luck and see how”. To my surprise, this set of numbers came out as a Starter prize on 31 August (the 1st day of the 6 days which I bet on) – winning me a cool $250!
Please note: This post isn’t meant to encourage gambling (far from that). Neither Master Dai Hu nor I encourage that. Instead, the purpose of this post is to prove to you the accuracy of Master Dai Hu’s predictions.
I humbly wish that regardless of your background, if you have the chance to meet up with Master Dai Hu, please speak with him with a humble heart and give him due respect. If he can sieve time out of his crazily busy schedule, you ought to treasure your good fortune and humbly learning from his teachings – Toward kindness , towards betterment!