被遺忘的先人The Forgotten Ancestors
我讚嘆邀請者和贊助者的大善心!他們做到佛家所言: 無緣大慈,同體大悲!能夠參與這活動是我的榮幸。若您有
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I am invited to perform offering rites for Tua Pek Gong and the Earth Deities at a Chinese Cemetery in Singapore tomorrow morning. I will also be praying for the homeless spirits residing there and share the Dharma with them, in bid to lessen their negative karma.
The organizer of this event extended the invitation to me before the Qing Ming festival and through various channels, found 25 kindred sponsors who offered their generous assistance, both monetary and non-monetary. With this collective effort, they bought various offerings, registered the homeless spirits for deliverance pujas by Living Buddha Lian Sheng and folded 1000 paper lotuses, in the earnest hope that the spirits can end their sufferings and transcend to the Pure Land.
There are at least 11,550 remains buried here since 1957. The miniscule tombstones have no names or photos, just a cold serial number that accompanied them. Looking at pictures of the cemetery, it saddened me that their merits had been so inadequate that not only do they have no descendents to make offering to them proper, the size of the tombstones are like tiny 1-room flats, compared to their counterparts in a neighbouring plot. Some of the tombstones were falling apart, chipped, leaning in all directions instead of being upright or worse, had no clear visibility of the brick stone sans its serial number.
It is said that many people will often visit this cemetery during the wee hours to make offerings to these homeless spirits in hope to get the ‘magic 4 numbers’ from them. The intention behind their offerings had self interest written all over. How many of them actually pondered about the means to set these spirits free from their sufferings? Let’s think logically. If the spirits have the merits to grant you a winning 4-D numbers, why would they themselves end up in their current homeless state? Furthermore, be careful what you wish for or promise that you made, it may not turn out pretty if you did not fulfill your insincere promises to the spirits.
I am in full praise of the organizer of this event and the group of sponsors! Their actions exemplifies the Buddhist teaching of practicing universal compassion & empathy. I am most honoured to be given a chance to participate in this meaningful activity. If you have the opportunity to join or organize similar activities in the future, do not hesitate and grab it with both hands! Open up your heart, live beyond yourself to benefit others and form kind affinities in all ten directions!
Note: The photo in this post is published with permission given. Please show due respect & do not re-post this photo with the intention of making jokes or meaningless comments.