相由心生The Face Is The Index of Your Mind
眼睛乃靈魂之窗,凡眼睛有水如醉眼的男生,切記不可嫁。若有男生的臉,一眼望過去特別白的,要嫁請三思。男生的嘴角左右邊,充滿細小青紅筋的,亦嫁不得。 以上三種男性面相,除非妳自甘讓其騙,自甘養他,自甘與其他女人分享。不過吾還是勸妳最好醒一醒,不要認為妳是偉大的,妳這麼做是和他一起造業哦!千萬不 可一失足成千古恨啊!
The Art of Face Reading, as the name implies, teaches us to gain clarity into a person’s fortunes and his inner intentions through observation of his facial features. This include his hair, brows, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, mouth, moles, wrinkles as well as the aura of his face, etc. I wonder if my fans and readers are interested to learn more about this deep and interesting body of knowledge? Am I hearing any response? Ha ha ha!
My disciples and students are well aware that I am always concerned about women’s health issues. It seems like I owe a great deal of karmic debt to women. I am lucky that in this lifetime, I have the skills to repay these karmic debts. Ha ha ha! Now ladies, please sit up for here comes the good news. Master Dai Hu shall now impart the art of face reading in choosing a good husband, in hope that once you are competent in it, you will be able to rid the world of evil and bring joy to your fellow sisters. Let us all shout in unison! Bravo! Who is the loudest? Ha ha ha!
The eyes are the windows to the soul. Men with watery eyes (looking drunk) are definitely bad candidates for marriage. Men with very pale ashen faces are also best avoided. If you notice tiny, wispy red and green veins on the sides of his mouth, please do not marry him. If your guy sports any of the above 3 facial features, please re-consider your plan to marry him, unless you rather fool yourself and be taken in by him, or you don’t mind him leeching off you, or even share him with other women. I strongly advise you to wake up and not think of yourself as being noble. You will be committing more negative karma if you continue your way with him. Please do not take the wrong step and regret eternally!
I shall temporarily stop here. Should there be another affinity or great response to it, I will impart more knowledge on face reading to my fans and readers.
Before I end this note, here is my parting gift: Just like our facial features are aligned to our heart, your life can be changed for the better by altering the state of your heart (consciousness).
I thank you all for your ❤ and support.

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Peach Blossom Luck on your Face