一天之始在於臉The day begins with your face
每天的察言觀色,一定要在早晨起身,刷牙洗臉之前。 這
In the long course of my work, every now and then, I would see my clients, disciples & students with very poor facial auras. As a master, akin to being a doctor, I must be compassionate as though they are my own children. Thus, I would like to impart the knowledge of observing your own aura everyday, which will go a long way to forecast the events of the day or subsequent days.
Self-observation of our own facial auras must begin the moment we wake up in the morning, even before we brush our teeth or wash our face. The accuracy of this self-observation will leave you stunned. What if this method is inaccurate in predicting the events of the day? Simple, it basically meant you have yet to master this art well. Ha ha ha! If you are not an expert yet, please do not go around teaching others, or setting up a roadside stall and proclaimed to everyone, “Hey, you are not looking good today!” Ha ha ha!
Should you observe a whitish aura on your face, it means that there would be a funeral (of someone you knew) in the next couple of days, or it could mean that your own health is at risk, for example, getting a cough or indigestion etc. A red aura signifies positive events like getting a promotion, having a windfall, giving birth to a baby etc. Unfortunately, a black or dull aura on your face is a warning sign of inauspicious events to come. You would need to quickly do more good deeds, spiritual practices (chanting of scriptures and repentance practice), abstain from killing and perform freeing of captive animals to prevent or reduce the impact of the inauspicious event that are about to happen.
Do remember! Begin every single day by observing your own facial aura. Thank you & blessings to all.