萬萬不可失的佛手The Buddha’s Hand You Absolutely Cannot Miss
密教的金剛大阿闍梨,可以說就是佛陀的身、語、意之象徵,就是人天導師,就是如來,就是應供,就是明行足,就是調御丈夫,就是正遍知,就是無上士, 就是善逝,就是世間解,就是佛。法法平等應無分別。法法應實修實證為真。如今,尊貴、慈悲、偉大的法王聖尊蓮生活佛,履行其渡生宏願,粉身碎骨,不捨一眾生地廣傳即身成佛密法,早已將其佛手,伸到吾等的面前來,吾等應快快緊握,這萬萬不可失的佛手啊!

Life and death is but a huge merry-go-round, a never-ending circle. Reincarnation in itself is a form of suffering. Even if there may be spurts of joy, these are short-lived and often end with a deeper plunge into suffering, with no end in sight. As the saying goes, “All man for himself”, this phrase does not ask that we becomes selfish and disregard the lives of others. On the contrary, this phrase reminds us to treat and respect our physical body well, and go onto the path of spiritual cultivation to elevate our souls to the realms of the Eternal Bliss, also known as the Pure Land. You must know that the Sun and the Moon are unselfish entities, thereby bringing Light to this world. Likewise for the unselfish nature of Rain, such that all lives are nourished by it!
How I became totally selfish
Humans are selfish by nature, so why does everybody not be at their most selfish self, and sever, once and for all in this lifetime, the hundreds, thousands and even millions kalpas of karmic cycles? Just a one-time hard work in exchange for eternal comfort! I cannot hear your response to this question now. Let me tell you about myself. Almost 20 years ago, I laid down my vows to be my “most selfish” self, and started to cultivate my spiritual aspect, before coming out to deliver salvation to the sentient beings. The problem at that time was, I was not even a beginner in the Dharma to speak of, how was I going to propagate the Dharma when I could not even deliver myself?
Why do I have absolute faith in Living Buddha Lian-Sheng?
I believe I must have accumulated, from my previous lives, plenty of merits for spiritual cultivation, resulting in an early affinity with a Dharma brother. He gifted me a book titled “Sutra Of The Past Vows Of Earth Store Bodhisattva, interpreted by Living Buddha Lian Sheng”. I gave it a read one day, and it touched my heart deeply. Why was that so? I was deeply touched because this Sutra easily answered all the doubts hidden in my heart all these years. It was like the first light breaking out at dawn, and shone upon my life that was shrouded in darkness, and empowered me to burst into life. As a result of this positive experience, I bought Living Buddha Lian Sheng’s books and CDs of His Dharma discourses in troves and studied them in depth for the past 20 years.
His books truly swept away my karmic grime accumulated over many lifetimes, and enabled me to grow in Wisdom and bring benefits to myself and others, both the living and the spirits. His wisdom allows me to stand on my own in this world, and enjoy endless benefits! His books are like the scriptures in the twelve divisions of the Tripitaka, and reading them, you can feel as if the Buddha is right in front of you, expounding the Dharma. His books empower all sentient beings trapped in this Samsara to reach the shores of liberation and free themselves from sufferings, attaining eternal bliss. I am absolutely sure that Living Buddha Lian Sheng is truly a Buddha, because every copy of His books are demonstrated the Five Wisdoms of the Buddha, namely the All-Encompassing Wisdom, Wisdom of Equality, Discriminating Wisdom, Mirror-like Wisdom and All-pervading Wisdom.
Do not miss this golden opportunity that comes once in 500 years!
In Tibetan Buddhism, the Varja Masters represent the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha. The Varja Master is regarded as the Satthā devamanussānaṃ, the Tathagatha, the Arahant, the Vijjācaraṇasampanno, the Anuttaro purisadammasārathi, the Sammāsambuddho, the Sugato, the Lokavidū, the Buddha. All Dharma practices are equal, and ought to be actualized through practical cultivation. Today, the esteemed, compassionate and revered Dharma King, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, is fulfilling His Great Vows to deliver all sentient beings, even if it means crushing His bones and smashing His body, through His Dharma transmissions, which will transform one into a Buddha within this lifetime. He aspires never to forsake a single sentient being. He has already extended His Buddha’s hand to right in front of us, and we should all reach for His hand ASAP. This is a Buddha’s hand you cannot afford to miss!

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When I did not heed Master Dai Hu’s advice