佛在心頭坐The Buddha Sits In My Heart
吾想吾的讀者粉絲們應該有看過由游本昌主演的《濟公》,這部電視劇的主題曲膾炙人口,裏面唱到: “酒肉穿腸過”,“佛祖在心頭坐”。
I am guessing most of my readers and fans would have seen the Chinese drama serial “Ji Gong”, starring Chinese actor You Benchang. The popular theme song has lyrics going like this, “Wine & meat pass through the intestines”, “The Buddha sits in my heart”.
How can you be sure that the Buddha is in your heart?
In each moment of your life, every emotion and thought you have, every action you do, stems from kindness and is in accordance with the precepts. There is no conflict with the morals and ethics and there is no taking advantage of another sentient being.
The Buddha does not feel any affection or hatred. When you see someone you dislike, does hatred arise in you? Do you treat all other sentient beings, even the animals and ghosts, as Buddhas?
If you are not able to do so, how could you say that the Buddha resides in your heart? A person who truly has the Buddha in his heart practices humility.
When you attend your company’s Dinner and Dance event, and consume alcohol for social reasons, the alcohol will not fan the flames and desires of your heart.
When you devour meat, you do not see it as meat. You possess the knowledge to deliver the spirit of the animal through mantra recitation. You know how to make an offering and no greed for food and alcohol arise in you.
If you cannot do all of the above, how could you say that “wine and meat only pass through the intestines”?
From a writing by my Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, I read of this:
During the Song Dynasty, there lived a powerful spiritual cultivator by the name of Precept Master. He was known for his ferocious appetite and word had it that He could easily polish off 3 pigs and quaff 5 jars of wine.
Wang Ping Pu, a local governor, invited the Precept Master to his home for a meal.
The appetite of Precepts Master was indeed a sight to behold. He happily devoured meat and wine, enough to feed over 20 people, as speedily as the autumn winds sweeping away the fallen leaves.
After the meal, the Precept Master went to the backyard, with the wife of the governor secretly watching him by the side. She saw the Precept Master opened His mouth and arrows of meat and wine shot through the air, into the waiting arms of the spirits and gods!
She told the governor what she witnessed and from that moment onwards, he was in awe and veneration of the Precept Master and took refuge under Him.
This story tells us that even though the Precept Master was seen physically consuming the meat and wine, he was not. This is the true essence of “wine and meat only pass through the intestines”.
Legend had it that this Precept Master is a manifestation of the Manjusri Bodhisattva.
You proclaim that the Buddha sits in your heart, but let me ask you:
Have you taken refuge in the Triple Gem?
Do you practice insightful meditation and cultivate everyday?
Do you study the Dharma deeply everyday?
Do you help other sentient beings by expounding the Dharma to them everyday?
Do you diligently strive towards Enlightenment everyday?
If you do not, please do not say that you have the Buddha in your heart because that is an outright lie. Do not act ignorant in front of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as there is a heavy price to pay for sprouting untruth to Them and using Them to mislead others.
“Wine and meat only pass through the intestines, the Buddha sits in my heart”. This verse is simple to the ears, simple for a 3-year-old to know but extremely challenging for a 80-year old man to fulfill.