你不要的那個小孩還在The Baby You Didn’t Want Is Still Around
上個星期一,我到台中的新光三越買褲。 在臺灣買褲一大好處是櫃檯專賣店都提供即刻改褲的服務。
Last Monday, I was buying a pair of pants at the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi department store in Taichung. The good thing about buying pants in Taiwan is the on-the-spot alteration service they provide. While waiting for the alteration, I asked for a piece of paper from the sales lady and gave her a free Name Analysis.
Before leaving, I asked, “Have you not want a child before?”
She nodded yes, with a bewildered look on her face.
“The spirit of your child is still lingering around you. You need to enroll in puja sessions to deliver his spirit to a better realm. ”
What I saw was not just the fetus spirit, I also saw the emotional ailments that would take place in the sales lady in time to come. When I look at a person, I see beyond the outer appearance and read into their energy fields and mental thoughts.
A lot of my female clients have fetus spirits with them from their past abortions but scarily, they have little regret. This is a serious matter that needs a much broader awareness on the implications of abortions.
Many people are not concerned about their aborted babies. A great majority of us are ignorant about the grave effect of deliberate abortion, from oneself to the other family members, even affecting our society and country on the whole. Family problems like difficult children, flagging careers, failing businesses, illnesses and broken marriages are caused by our neglect to these fetus spirits. It’s not too late to repent now.
In this universe, no one has the right to take away the life of another person, another animal and even the micro-organisms which escape our naked eyes. There exists a Buddha nature in all living beings. To abort a child is akin to killing a Buddha. I sincerely hope all of us will meet enlightened ones in our life to guide us onto the path of light.
Amongst the five precepts of Buddhism, the act of killing carries the most severity, heavily and speedily reducing our fortunes in marriage, wealth, descendants, career and health. It is akin to halving an apple in a split second, thus we need to be very cautious against committing the act of killing.
Many who had an abortion perceived that their child would not appear in their lives again. How wrong you are! Their aborted fetus spirits will manifest in other forms, as their karmic debtors. The next child that comes along is likely to be sickly or very hard to teach, draining the energy and resources of the parents. This is the law of karma!
The aborted children seek a sincere apology from their parents and a true cultivator with the ability to do deliverance pujas for them. It is only through sincere repentance that the enmity and grievances in the spirits of the aborted children can be resolved. Misfortune befalls those who chose otherwise. Many of my female clients with past abortions suffered from various ailments: strange body odor, hair loss, poor sleep, women health issues and even declining mental health. Even though the man might have initiated, the woman is ultimately the final decision maker when it comes to abortion and thus bears a larger responsibility.
Everyone yearns for an easy, carefree life, but why are we adding burdens to ourselves? Let’s think harder about this for one wrong step may cause a lifelong of regret.