入門遁Intuitive insight upon entering a property
有位女佣公司的老闆聘請我為他屬下的公司看風水。 我乘坐他的車,在一天内,一口氣看了七間店的風水。
最近我徒弟帶我到一市中心的素食館用餐。 我一入店,就已知這店目前的狀況和未來的走向。後來有緣
這種能力無法用言語更詳細地教導,需要從佛法上去修。 簡單地說,需要看你的心”安不安靜“,心越”安靜”,你
The owner of a maid agency engaged me to audit the Feng Shui of his offices. He ferried me in his car and I completed the Feng Shui audit of 7 shops in one day.
As I stepped into each property, I would tell my client if the energy field in the shop was still prosperous or already going downhill and which shops would be auspicious for him.
Before taking over a shop or purchasing a property, one should first understand the history behind the property. For example, why the owner wishes to give up the business/home, what difficulties have been encountered e.g. bankruptcy, divorce, serious illness, suicide or frequent conflicts. Sometimes we will not get the true answer, so it is very crucial to possess the ability of intuitive insight upon entering the property.
Recently my disciple brought me to a vegetarian restaurant for a meal. The restaurant was located in the town area. Once I entered the restaurant, I immediately knew the future of the restaurant and its current situation. I had the opportunity to converse with the lady boss and my insights were proven right.
Every person, every space and even every object has an invisible energy surrounding it. To determine if the energy is flourishing or declining, strong or weak, pure or filthy, kind or evil, yin or yang, the well-honed intuitive insight of a practitioner can answer the question.
It is difficult to express the teaching of this ability in words over here. This requires much training with Buddhist methods. To put it simply, this depends on if your mind is quiet enough. The quieter your mind is, the more you are able to see beyond the naked eye. When your mind is quiet, you are able to perceive the energy field of a space and even that of a person and ascertain if it is prosperous or otherwise.