玳瑚師父的靈驗The Accuracy Of Master Dai Hu
文: 林珍宇女士 Written by: Mdm Ashleigh Lim
玳瑚師父2015年預言: 西方國家遭恐襲
玳瑚師父2015年預言: 西方國家有新病毒感染症!
年關將近時,又出現茲卡病毒感染症! 這病毒導致新生嬰兒的頭型比其他正常的孩子異常的小,大腦發展嚴重受損。起初, 我還以為這可能是單立事件, 事實卻不然。
玳瑚師父2015年預言: 家中幼女可能未婚先孕
我和母親談有關她水子靈的事,跟她敍述師父跟我說的話,以及我自己的例子。我也問了她一個難以啓齒的問題: 她是否有向她水子靈道歉?

In my previous testimonial, I wrote about how I got to know Master Dai Hu and why I think he is the best person when it comes to Feng Shui audits, Ba Zi (birth chart) analysis and learning the Dharma. He has a 360-degree perspective of things and covers all angles.
I attended Master Dai Hu’s Spring Festival Dinner Gathering in 2015. In this entry below, I will be sharing with you my observations of his predictions for the Year of the Goat and my personal experience.
Master Dai Hu’s 2015 prediction: Terrorist Attack in the Western countries
The 2015 Spring Festival Dinner Gathering was held on the second day of Lunar New Year. During the session, Master Dai Hu predicted that a new virus infection will emerge from the western countries and there will be further terrorist attacks on the western countries.
Perhaps too much emphasis has been placed on terrorist activities happening in the Middle Eastern countries, it was not in my first thought that it could happen to the Western countries.
But who would have thought that terrorism would indeed strike Paris, the land of romance? My heart goes out to all affected by terrorism.
Master Dai Hu’s 2015 prediction: New Viral Outbreak in the Western countries
Towards the end of 2015, the Lunar year of the Goat, I read about the Zika virus outbreak in Central and South America. Infected babies were born with smaller-than-average head circumference and brain damage. My initial thought was it might be an isolated case. Apparently, that was not the case.
Governments of the affected countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Columbia and El Salvador etc) are advising its people to avoid having kids for the next two years. Perhaps this is an attempt to let the virus die off.
Will it work? I wouldn’t know.
Will it spread to Singapore? That was my first fear. Our government is already very anxious about how “unproductive” our nation is.
The Zika virus is transmitted by the Aedes species mosquitoes. With the high frequency of traveling nowadays, it seems to be just a matter of time that it might hit our shores.
So to all pregnant ladies out there, please do put on insect repellent. Do whatever you need to decrease the risk.
Master Dai Hu’s 2015 prediction: Premarital pregnancy of the youngest daughter
In the same CNY meal session, Master Dai Hu also predicted that the youngest daughter of the household will have a high chance of getting pregnant (premarital pregnancy) and he warned that those not married to take precaution. True enough, my youngest sister got pregnant. She is legally married but have not gone through the Chinese customary ritual.
Master Dai Hu was spot-on about my son’s pet preference!
Some time last year, I approached Master Dai Hu to analyze the, what the Chinese say, Bazi (八字) and fortune of my son. Master told me that one day my son will pester me to buy him a fish as his pet.
My son has interacted with puppies when he was younger. I would have thought it will be puppies or rabbits that he prefers because you know…fluffy pets. Pet fish was the last thing on my mind. I did not think my son would want that.
Then one day, my son asked me to get him a pet fish. I asked him why he wanted a pet. He told me he learnt about pets in school and it was not his first time. His ex-teacher once brought her pet rabbit to school. Luckily, my son did not asked for a rabbit. But there you see, Master’s prediction was so specific and accurate.
Master Dai Hu improved my communication with my mum with Chinese Metaphysics
Lastly, I had sought Master’s help to save my mum. For those who know my case, my mum’s kidneys are deteriorating and she had refused dialysis. Whenever I talk to her about she not taking her medication, we can start WWII.
The last thing I want to see is my mum suffering, be it she chooses to undergo dialysis or not. So I approached Master Dai Hu again.
Master Dai Hu taught me to get something for my mum and emphasized that with this, her temper will mellow, she will be more accepting of my advice and more keen to go into her religion. I was initially skeptical. But once again, Master Dai Hu’s words were proven to work.
I was talking to my mum about her fetal spirits, explaining to her what Master Dai Hu had told me and quoted my case for her reference. Then, I asked her the big question: has she apologised to the unborn child? My mum said she had not. I went on to do the most daring thing ever. I told her I would bring her to the temple where the tablet for her unborn child was located, and she should do her apology there.
My mum did not flare up at me and neither did my mum refuse. Phew, wow, I did it! I was surprised by the outcome. Usually, my mum will tell me off by saying that just because I am learning the Dharma from Master Dai Hu, doesn’t make me a master.
To whoever that is reading this article, I hope you will learn that sometimes seeing is really believing. Mine is living proof.
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