謝謝您的堅持Thank You For Your Perseverance
我們在人世間根本不應該爭有的沒的,因爲爭這些的人往往都是很低智慧的人。在這世上唯一能夠爭的,是增上緣,不應該執著這世間上的名利、財富、子女、感情 等等等。這些不過是因緣的一種聚合,來還來討而已。還了就好,還了就應該努力增上緣。如果碰到善知識,有佛緣,就應該一心去佛緣,只因爲人不是自私嗎?那 自私就要為自己好,應該在有生之年,多增上緣啊!
身為新加坡國民的一份子,在此感謝他帶領我們新加坡長達半個世紀多,沒有他,新加坡老早被鄰國欺負了。 很多次在教課時,吾都提醒學生們,如果不是新加坡給予我們宗教自由和繁榮的社會,我們怎能在舒適的環境光明正大地學習呢?我們應該感恩,而不應該一直指 責。妳你要知道政府不只是有他一個人,所以不應該一概而論。事情沒有一個真相大白,這樣對自己,對別人都不是一件好事。
I have a habit of observing the skies. When it started pouring heavily last Sunday afternoon, I thought to myself, “It’s time.”
From strength and vigor to weak and feeble. From the burst of light at dawn to the last flicker at dusk. Such is the passage of life.
We should not be fighting for frivolous causes in this lifetime here because only the foolish ones will do that. The only thing we should fight for is increased affinity with the Dharma. Not things like fame, wealth, descendants, relationships, etc. All these are but fleeting moments manifested by our karma, the equalizer in which you pay your dues or receive what is due to you. Once that is done, you should diligently increase your affinity with the Dharma. If you meet a learned master of the Dharma, that shows your affinity to the Buddha and all the more you should learn from him or her. Is it not that humans are selfish? Then, by all means, be selfish and think of your own interest, for it will benefit you greatly to do all you can to increase your affinity with the Dharma.
As a Singaporean, I hereby thank him for leading our Nation for the past half century. Without him at the helm, our country would have long been at the mercy of our neighbours. Many times during lessons, I would remind my students about how lucky we are to be in a country that gives us religious freedom and a prosperous society, or we would not be having our lessons freely in a comfortable and safe environment, but probably holed up in some secret location. We must be grateful instead of always blaming. The Government is not just him alone. Until the truth is out, the barrage of criticism is not going to do you or other people any good.
I would like to take this opportunity to send my blessings to Mr Lee Kuan Yew, that he may ascend and be in the bliss of the Pure Land. I hope that in the future lifetimes to come, he will embrace Buddhism and cultivate the Dharma to bring merits to himself and all sentient beings, culminating in Enlightenment and finding true bliss. Amithaba.

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