親證蓮生法王的力量Testament to the Power of Grandmaster Lian-Sheng
除了感動以外,還萬分讚嘆根本上師的功力已經到了爐火純青的地步。當祂舉起中央戍己杏黃旗,示範如何召風雨時,吾一直在觀察天氣的變化,果真一點雨水就滴在吾的頭上,接著風就來。 灌頂的時候,其力量非常的大,深深感動了吾,根本上師的法流加持真實而不虛。
吾這麽辛苦地出國去求法,就是為了能夠好。不只是要自己好,還希望有更大的能力幫助有緣衆生和吾一樣地好。 妳你的命再好,也只不過是一刹那的好而已,沒有學佛沒有用,因爲妳你還有業障還沒消。要永恒地好,必須要學佛。
The first 2 weekends this month saw me jetting off to Taiwan and participating in two puja ceremonies. It was extremely moving to be able to make these two pilgrimage trips as I got to witness the august power of my Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, that drew thousands of followers from all over the world. He transmitted numerous Tantric Dharma, leading to its propagation on an unprecedented scale. Only a true Buddha will have such a wide wielding appeal to sentient beings.
Being deeply touched aside, I am truly in awe and praise of my Root Guru for having such esteemed Dharma prowess at its peak. When He raised the Yellow Earth Flag to demonstrate its power of calling the winds and the rain, I was observing for changes in the weather. True indeed, a drop of rain fell onto my head and the winds started blowing. The strength of His empowerment flowing through me was genuine and titanic. It deeply moved me, as I recited the mantra.
I made so much effort to go abroad to pursue the Dharma so that I can have eternal blessings. Not just for myself but to have greater ability to help all sentient beings I have affinity with. Regardless of how blessed your current lives might be, they are but only fleeting moments. It is futile if you do not follow the Dharma as your negative karma has not been cleansed and is just waiting to happen. To be eternally blessed, you need to practice the Dharma.
Learning the Dharma means learning the wisdom of the Buddha and to use this Wisdom to differentiate the right from the wrong and thus walk on the correct path in life. Learning the Dharma is not going to transform you into a cold heartless person. In fact, once you have a good understanding of it, you must express your gratitude and bring salvation to your family, for they are sentient beings too.

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Throwback to Yuanxiao Festival Tea Session